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media doing right duty
by muralee on May 28, 2006 09:35 AM

It's appreciable that has done wonderful job in highlighting the topic in right direction and providing correct figures and facts about the resentment of a those group of people who are suffering at the hands of age old politicians.

why should the present generation of any caste should suffer for what has been done 1000 years ago.

Main motto of reservation is -->>
upliftment of society
that is possible only by providing a time based reservations.

60 years on and still reserved sections are not developed. where are the results going.

any evidence that they will develop?

Reservations are if at all needed, it is only for those needy? minimum lively hood?

Provide everything till entrance exams and let them be eligible for entering into a high profile and valued education. That's pride for everyone.

Please dont bring down the IMAGE OF IIT's and IIM's
Definitely the values are happened to fall.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Quota: Other side of the story