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Reservations: The other side of the story
by Ganesh Krishnan on May 28, 2006 08:52 AM

Generally when people talk about students admitted to IITs and IIMs the impression created is that these students belong to the elite English speaking city prototypes who can afford education anywhere in the world. This is far from true. I attended the counselling for MTech admissions in IIT Kharagpur on belf of my son who cold not attend because he had exams. The students and parents who had come there were people from middle and lower middle class. Most of them were from small towns like Kurnool, Anantpur, Bokaro, Talchher etc. These students must have put in years of hard work only to get admitted to the IITs. I am sure more than 95% of them would not afford foreign education. All the students who had come were among thetop 1% in the entrance exams. There were quite a few OBC students who were competing on merits and getting admitted. I think it is cruel of the self proclaimed friends of the "opressed" class to deny such hard working students their due. It will be a total disinsentive for hard work and you cannot blame these students if they get cynical.

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Quota: Other side of the story