You have a point when u say that the media did not raise the issues you mentioned , especially in a manner you would have liked. Indulging in different treatment to different people just because of their beliefs is grossly wrong.
HOWEVER, the manner in which you raised this issue displays a flawed thinking , and we are fortunate that most of us dont think like you...or so I hope.
Drawing comparisons with countries like Pakistan or with events which deserve contempt would be a shame for any Indian.
Please allow me to confess that your own religious fanatacism has made this article contradict what you are trying to advocate. Let us use our energies toward taking our great country to new heights and not waste it in rabble rousing.
RE:flawed thinking
by arun on Feb 04, 2006 11:13 AM Permalink
dear puneet if u see the list of responses to rajiv's article, then u will realize that most of us are not unfortunate to think like you, but instead fortunate to think like rajiv. why i say this is not because i m a so called "communal or fanatic hindu", but i like to give a rational thought that why hindu bashing and ignorance of atrocities on hindus is becoming a fashion in india. i feel the problem with us is that after we get educated and fed on the daily crap our english media serves on us, over a long period of time, it does damage our rational thinking process (as has happened in your case). i am for the use of resources for making our country great, but where is the need to destroy the most ancient and surviving culture in the world. if we look at other societies, they make their best efforts to preserve their heritage and feel proud to have symbols of greatness. should we allow ourselves to be led by these culture destroying forces and fall into their trap..??
so according to rajeev what indian media is supposed to do??????shud they celebrate all the genocides???
and i dont see anywhere, any of the indian media supporting any of the matter whether they are done by hindus or muslims......
the only time it happened, when a few of the indian media supported these kind of rowdiyism is when the hindu terrorists demolished babri masjid and the next time in gujarat when rape and loot continued on for more than a month under a thug......
i don't think any genuine guy can come out in support of all these.....
these kind of articles are written just to incite a fear psychosis among the normal hindu population who are no way related to these thugs so that they can consolidate the hindu vote again.....anyways good luck to you rajeev........but people are well aware of all the hidden agendas......
You haven't refuted Rajeev's contention that the Indian *English* media have downplayed or ignored anti-Hindu attacks in the subcontinent, or the role of Christians in the Rawandan genocide.
Your articles are full of stuff like "X happened to a Hindu and Y happened to a Muslim". Why does everything have to be in terms of which religion a person belongs to?
Granted that the people you oppose are the ones discriminating against Hindus, but fighting their discrimination with your own brand of discrimination makes you no different than those who you oppose.
Hate the sin, not the sinner. Hate the discrimination, not the discriminators.
Hindu nationalists will simply fight Muslims now, then they'll turn into Brahmin Nationalists, or Aryan Nationalists or Dravidian Nationalists, or whatever. Why the hatred? Why no fight for humanity and focus on the real problems at hand (poverty, corruption, illiteracy...) instead of this?
I agree with Rajeev. Our newspapers have become rags. Hardly any thought provoking writers bother to express themselves.
Regarding Balochistan, I would read Ayaz Amir's article "Another Winter of Discontent" in January 6 issue of Dawn, a Pakistan daily. Clearly, as Rajeev points out a genocidal attack on Balochistan is under way. Yet no one notices in India!!
Rajiv Srinivasan's article clearly shows hypocrisy and double standards of so called secularists and human right guys and of course English media ...
Add to that leftists and JNU types and appeasement by Congress and picture is complete.
Not only this. All these Human rights crowd do not even report the regular attrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh..
They have sucessfully copied model of Amnesty International whose selective love of human rights violations is well known.
These people have been dishonest to the core and it can happen that one day whole country will become polarised as sometime or other all this nonsense from these quarters can backfire badly.
The media and reporters are reactive. They react to press releases, press briefings and stories that are basically handed to them. They need to be cagolded, coddled and advocated. Hindu groups, both politcal and cultural are THE WORST when it comes to dealing with the media.
All of these groups need to come together and come up with a disciplined marketing and PR strategy. They need to take a page from the conservative groups in the U.S.
If they do that, then they should be able to get a fair shake in the media.
You can't expect the media to care about stuff, you have to be able to make them care.
the foreign media does enough to critize the activities of christians and muslims in countries where they are the majority.....what u fail to understand is that our media focuses on the wrongs in our country,why should they focus on what happens in africa or baluchistan........the facts are that minorities are being prosecuted in india by hindus and especially christians who never harmed anybody are being tagetted by illterate uncultured people...
so before u bark get your facts right.....and what kind of media do u watch...the english medua has the most extensive and accurate coverage......but u maybe too dumb to understand it.
by arun on Feb 04, 2006 11:01 AM Permalink
dear siddharth
i think u r utterly mistaken when u use the words "christians who never harm anybody". don't u think making conversions by inducements and cheating, does a much bigger harm to the cultural ingenuity & integrity of the existing society than a few sporadic incidents of violence. if christians are innocent, why do they need to convert the other people to christianity. can't they just live in peace and be satisfied. what's the problem with them?
you also watch your facts and foundations before you bark.
Persecution of Christians? My foot! There is some resentment toward bigoted, fanatic evangelicals. Please keep your neo-Christian propaganda about persecution in the nonsense bin! Hindus in Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Indian state of Kashmir have suffered severe declining numbers, and even the Indian media barely talks about it!