dear puneet if u see the list of responses to rajiv's article, then u will realize that most of us are not unfortunate to think like you, but instead fortunate to think like rajiv. why i say this is not because i m a so called "communal or fanatic hindu", but i like to give a rational thought that why hindu bashing and ignorance of atrocities on hindus is becoming a fashion in india. i feel the problem with us is that after we get educated and fed on the daily crap our english media serves on us, over a long period of time, it does damage our rational thinking process (as has happened in your case). i am for the use of resources for making our country great, but where is the need to destroy the most ancient and surviving culture in the world. if we look at other societies, they make their best efforts to preserve their heritage and feel proud to have symbols of greatness. should we allow ourselves to be led by these culture destroying forces and fall into their trap..??