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See people as human beings and not Hindus/Muslims/Christians
by Aashish Gupta on Jan 07, 2006 04:44 AM

Your articles are full of stuff like "X happened to a Hindu and Y happened to a Muslim". Why does everything have to be in terms of which religion a person belongs to?

Granted that the people you oppose are the ones discriminating against Hindus, but fighting their discrimination with your own brand of discrimination makes you no different than those who you oppose.

Hate the sin, not the sinner. Hate the discrimination, not the discriminators.

Hindu nationalists will simply fight Muslims now, then they'll turn into Brahmin Nationalists, or Aryan Nationalists or Dravidian Nationalists, or whatever. Why the hatred? Why no fight for humanity and focus on the real problems at hand (poverty, corruption, illiteracy...) instead of this?

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Ignore genocide, we're secular