Modi was barred a visa because of an act in USA , which bars entry of people responsible for denying religous freedom.
All the groups that campaigned for Modi to not enter USA where campaigning for humanity against an anti-human neo nazi.
Please dont associate hinduism with such devils.
By denying a visa to Modi, based on itslaws, USA is not intefering in Indian matters.
Kudos for American senators to realize the anti human nature of Modi.
The question shouldnt be why Modi was barred entry into usa. The answer to that is obvious.
The question should be why no action was taken for the massacre of thousands of innocent victims against Modi and his goons. Why was he elected back to power, in Gandhi's land ? Why people like you are equating a small recognition of Modi's anti human deeds with an attack on India's prestige.
The real reason for celebration will be when Advani and Vajpayee are recognized in the USA for what they truly are: Anti minority fundamentalists.
As you have mentioned in your article , Mr Nehru camped in Baroda to stop the riot where as Mr Modi abetted the crime. He asked senior police officers to ignore the mob and keep shut. The RSS and BJP cadres were systematically used to identify Muslims and kill them. In tribal areas members of BJP went to the village pachayat to seek volunteers for the rioting...He urged the mob to take revenge....
I wonder why can't you see the difference here. Consider this comment by Mr. Modi.
"Relief camps are actually child-making factories. Those who keep on multiplying the population should be taught a lesson. Shri Narendra Modi, addressing a rally in Mehsana district during his gaurav yatra, quoted in The Hindu, Sept 10, 2002.
I am amazed at your audacity to compare Modi and others with Nehru...
If you don't get it let me tell, its not just the 2000 murders , its the way Mr. Modi and gang did it shocks all of us. In Hindi i would say "Rakshak became bhakshak".
The real shame lies in not abeing ble to provide justice to thousands in Gujarat....
I totally agree with your article. It is like giving America a chance always to prove that it is the one who is always right and the ultimate power to decide what is right and what is wrong. Come on Indians, wake up! Let the prosperity reign our country with no corruption and timely and right justice served to the people by punishing anti-social elements.
Mr Raman, I agree with u that interference of a 3rd party in our internal affairs is highly objectionable, however u as a former RAW guy and so much experience in life shud know that only power rules inthis world,just like modi being the powerful person of the state,acted against powerless citizens,US being the powerful state in the world will act against my r ur r any other Indian's wish.right now we can only sit and object,r write articles like urs. If only our political leaders had the vision to make India a powerful country, then we could hav shown our middle finger at US arrogance. unfortunately that is not the case, the reason is,u and ur peers,present and past,r happy just writing articles either at rediff, r ORF r SAAG and not standing up against the wrong acts of politicians, if only u people had acted on time, then we wudnt have seen this day, this is not to say that behave like ISI of Pak and make India a failed state by interfering in governance. I dont mean to ask u r ur peers to interfere in the good governance....... It was just that we were more stupid to give others a chance to interfere in our internal affairs.
All the examples you quote are of people who failed to control a riot. Narendra Modi aided, abetted and facilitated the riot. He stirred up hatred and then stopped the police from taking action. It took three days for the army to reach Gujarat. Isn't that suspicious? Tomorrow if an enemy country attacks India would the army take three days to react. Modi might as well have committed those murders himself.
You have displayed your ignorance and communal bias via this article. Your hatred for the minorities of your country flows like the ganga in your article.
I would like to ask you a few questions.
1) When Mr. George Fernandes was strip searched by the US while on an official visit as the Defence minister of this country there was no hue and cry from the likes of you? Wasn't that an attack on the Swabhiman of the country? Why then do you get upset at the denying of a visa to a lesser government official (the defence minister's post is higher ranking than that of the CM's)?
2) Do you consider this to be an attack on Modi or on Hindutwa (Narendra Modi is the most potent symbol of Hindutwa)?
3) Doesn't a country have a right to decide who comes to visit?
I am very proud of U.S.A for not allowing Modi to come and visit mainly because of the reasons which were mentioned. Since he was head of the state, it was his responsibility to make sure every government institution in that Gujrat does its job. Its about time that somebody is holding these politicians responsible for their actions, The only sad part is that those people are not indian. America is doin which should have been done by us indians years ago , Holding people responsible for their actions specially higher ups in the Government, Make sure they are doin their job and following the Law no matter what their personal feeling about the subject is . If we would have done that Years ago India would have been different.