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You dont get it !
by A Merchant on Mar 23, 2005 03:06 AM

Modi was barred a visa because of an act in USA , which bars entry of people responsible for denying religous freedom.

All the groups that campaigned for Modi to not enter USA where campaigning for humanity against an anti-human neo nazi.

Please dont associate hinduism with such devils.

By denying a visa to Modi, based on itslaws, USA is not intefering in Indian matters.

Kudos for American senators to realize the anti human nature of Modi.

The question shouldnt be why Modi was barred entry into usa. The answer to that is obvious.

The question should be why no action was taken for the massacre of thousands of innocent victims against Modi and his goons. Why was he elected back to power, in Gandhi's land ? Why people like you are equating a small recognition of Modi's anti human deeds with an attack on India's prestige.

The real reason for celebration will be when Advani and Vajpayee are recognized in the USA for what they truly are: Anti minority fundamentalists.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?