As you have mentioned in your article , Mr Nehru camped in Baroda to stop the riot where as Mr Modi abetted the crime. He asked senior police officers to ignore the mob and keep shut. The RSS and BJP cadres were systematically used to identify Muslims and kill them. In tribal areas members of BJP went to the village pachayat to seek volunteers for the rioting...He urged the mob to take revenge....
I wonder why can't you see the difference here. Consider this comment by Mr. Modi.
"Relief camps are actually child-making factories. Those who keep on multiplying the population should be taught a lesson. Shri Narendra Modi, addressing a rally in Mehsana district during his gaurav yatra, quoted in The Hindu, Sept 10, 2002.
I am amazed at your audacity to compare Modi and others with Nehru...
If you don't get it let me tell, its not just the 2000 murders , its the way Mr. Modi and gang did it shocks all of us. In Hindi i would say "Rakshak became bhakshak".
The real shame lies in not abeing ble to provide justice to thousands in Gujarat....