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I am Proud Of US Decision
by Kuldip Wadhwan on Mar 22, 2005 10:24 PM

I am very proud of U.S.A for not allowing Modi to come and visit mainly because of the reasons which were mentioned. Since he was head of the state, it was his responsibility to make sure every government institution in that Gujrat does its job.
Its about time that somebody is holding these politicians responsible for their actions, The only sad part is that those people are not indian. America is doin which should have been done by us indians years ago , Holding people responsible for their actions specially higher ups in the Government, Make sure they are doin their job and following the Law no matter what their personal feeling about the subject is .
If we would have done that Years ago India would have been different.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?