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Modi's visa denial: Who did it?
by Shibu Mathews on Mar 22, 2005 02:24 PM  Permalink 

So it seems like the writer has a lopsided view of the history. Please do not allow such people to write here as we have a trust in you as a secular webpage. For the writer's information most of the minority people has been crying since Modi came into power. Why don't you do something better for the nation than cry about someone who was denied visa? It's not a big thing as Modi is just a CM of one of the states on India not a PM or a cabinet minister. If I'm not wrong the same party which cries foul now was the main flag holder for USA to attack Afghanistan & Iraq. Now the same USA rejects one of their men & they are up in arms against them. What a bunch of jokers. I pity you.

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B Raman and an apologist for Hindu bigotry
by Rohaan on Mar 22, 2005 02:20 PM  Permalink 

B. Raman starts off saying he is no admirer of Narendra Modi. But his whole article is aimed at saying that Modi's U.S. visa should not have been revoked by the U.S. Raman seems to have become Modi's spokesman and puppet.
For him, the denial of a visa for Modi is an issue of national pride. The fact that thousands of Muslims were murdered while Modi deliberately did nothing does not count for anything. National pride should be based on justice and security to all, not the denial of a visa to a tainted politician.
Why does rediff.com give so much space to rabid Hindu bigots like B. Raman whose only job it seems to be to downplay the deaths of innocent minority victims of riots. Raman and Modi have something in common: they offer nothing but hate and prejudice. Please rediff.com, get some balance in your columnists who seem to have an anti-secular, anti-Islam agenda like Raman? Cry, the beloved country, when columnists like Raman are given so much space to spew poison.

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modi visa
by andy on Mar 22, 2005 02:19 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

good article, Raman. I wonder what would be the reply of Manishankar Aiyar.
The problem with Hindus is that they are so low on self esteem that they cannot feel proud to call himself a Hindu. A large part of this could be explained by the bad things that have crept in Hinduism like casteism, and untouchability. Unless these are removed from Hindu society, Hindus would remain scared of Muslims and Christians. And another large part of the debate of secularism in India is the Muslim vote bank. Since Hindus are not a bank, no secular would care for them. So, the solution to this mess called secularism is that first Hindus need to get their own house in order and then stand firm. Why does US never reject visa of any Isreali politician? because they have made themselves strong. US does not dare touch them. Indians should learn from Isrealis.

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RE:modi visa
by Indian on Mar 31, 2005 10:42 PM  Permalink
Hi! I dont want to contend the worth of Mr. Ramans article, but I see that you have taken up the issue of another countrys visa denial one of national pride above and over any genocide that occurred within India. The low self esteem of the any class of people is a common feeder for extremist organizational recruitment. Agree, the house of the Hindu or any Indian, be it Buddhist/Sikh/Muslim/Christian, should be in order before aspiring to earn American respect as does Israel. But the end should never justify the means. Israel has the blood of millions in its hands with the status of being the most extensive violator of UN Security Council resolutions, and by far the largest recipient of U.S. military and economic aid.

To set our houses in order, if oppression and violating international resolutions are key steps, then the likes of Modi are to be key manipulators. And if Modi gets a headache from watching television, we should brand television as a traitor. An alternative to such Israeli aspirations would be to set our house in order with building blocks of justice, peace, and security.

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modi's visa refusal
by priyesh on Mar 22, 2005 01:51 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

i agree with u mr.B.raman.the denial of visa to mr.modi is really a shocking fact.many at time people of different countries do acts which are very bad and are a shame for the mankind but US has never cancelled their visa or did something of that kind.i am really shocked over this atitude of US government.they have shown that do not have guts to say something in public and have cowardly did this job.whatever happened in gujarat was a shame to the nation but he was again elected the chief minister of the state.so how can a country denya visa to a person who has been constitutionly elected by lacs of people.this is very horrible incident and i really condemn this action of theirs.

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RE:modi's visa refusal
by Indian on Mar 31, 2005 11:01 PM  Permalink
If what happened in Gujarat is a shame to the nation, then those responsible should be dealt with appropriately. It is common knowledge that riots are a means to political polarization, an election after which can only support the majority community on precincts of the candidate being from the community and not based on leadership qualities. Moreover, laws in US dont have it that constitutionally elected leaders of other countries should be provided with visas. But it does have it that leaders with history of religious persecution be prohibited. Who are we Indians to argue upon the laws of another nation? Lets set our houses right before complaining of other houses. The fact that another country has lopsided rules need not make our Modis less culpable.

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cant agree with you more
by raj on Mar 22, 2005 01:51 PM  Permalink 

perfect!!! americans telling us what to do and an italian running the show. and the natives fight and kill in the name of religion, caste, creed, language, food habits etc etc etc. wont be long before a chinese becomes the prime minister. will be ideal really. then we will become a super power for sure. welcome to the new india.

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Some people feel uncomfortable being Indians
by Patriot on Mar 22, 2005 01:47 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

So, from the likes of CAG representatives, we poor souls have to learn how to drag home problems into international fora to malign and discredit the country. Dont you have faith in India? Oh! You guys may be American citizens or on the way to become American citizens (GC holders).
CAG representatives having become American citizens may inherit American values of brooking into neighbor's internal affairs. But, we Indians have not forgotten our folk wisdom. "If you drag home problems outside, it is others who take advantage of our internal differences and make all of us poorer". This happened through out the history - British did the same, Mughals and Nizams did the same. For continuing to be an Indian, I cannot and will not forget these lessons. But, CAG proponents being American have no reason to remember these small Indian lessons. Such people have to be banished from interfering in Indias internal affairs.
We don't need the wisdom of Americans/GC holders to guide Indians. Indians have enough of it for their use. Taking India's problems to outsiders to score over own people is an act of treachery. It has the potential to set precedent to bug us for decades and collapse India

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Message deleted by moderator
by suresh nair on Mar 22, 2005 01:41 PM  Permalink 

This editoriyal page is fantastic having good luck
to shri. Modi. Afterall Shri.Raman has given a
summary only which indian hindu's facing. Its true
some part can do anything which will not a guilty.
BJP should think about this movement. Only one
request is that, never says this happend by the christian,muslim,hindu
as above these casts some one(Example a/b) is trying to get benefit. WE knows that in 'India' somany christians&Muslims&Hindus are friends each other and living together and enjoying together but when that 'a/b' is trying to interfere for their benefit, problems are creating inbetween these innocent friends. So we should avoid these a/b and we would identify who is this a/b when we we came to know about these a/b every HINDU/MUSLIM/CHRISTIAN will be get some deep fresh breathing.

Have a nice day

Best regards
suresh nair

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by srivathsan on Mar 22, 2005 01:31 PM  Permalink 

I endorse every word of it.God alone can save this country where personal hatredness overtakes national pride.This will not happen anywhere in the world.Who has curbed the religious freedom of minorities in this country including gujarath? Infact they enjoy better freedom than anywhereelse in the world including USA.When mob is on riot it is very difficult to control.Why so many sikhs were killed in USA after 9/11?Should we stop giving visa to donald rumesfeld,? for the massacre of so many innocent iraqis by the us force should we deny visa to bush himself?What can we do in a country where so called secularists hail supreme court if any decision they give against majority community or orrganisation .They call for preidential reference&donot hesitate to condemn the SC in the parliament if itis favouring hindus.Time is not faroff when the majority turn minority &at that pointall their even basic rights &freedom is curbed to the applause of the so called secularists .

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Any saying of secularist!!!
by kumar on Mar 22, 2005 01:31 PM  Permalink 

I was predicting that this article Like Mr. Modi will not be saved from the warth of so called Secularist(from the comments).
A good article ,offcourse critisized by a majority of so called secularist.The wtiter has beautifully represented the secularist(referring to hindus) by " who cannot stand the sight of any party which seeks to articulate the feelings of Hindus and give them a sense of pride in their identity as Hindus".

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