good article, Raman. I wonder what would be the reply of Manishankar Aiyar. The problem with Hindus is that they are so low on self esteem that they cannot feel proud to call himself a Hindu. A large part of this could be explained by the bad things that have crept in Hinduism like casteism, and untouchability. Unless these are removed from Hindu society, Hindus would remain scared of Muslims and Christians. And another large part of the debate of secularism in India is the Muslim vote bank. Since Hindus are not a bank, no secular would care for them. So, the solution to this mess called secularism is that first Hindus need to get their own house in order and then stand firm. Why does US never reject visa of any Isreali politician? because they have made themselves strong. US does not dare touch them. Indians should learn from Isrealis.