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RE:modi's visa refusal
by Indian on Mar 31, 2005 11:01 PM

If what happened in Gujarat is a shame to the nation, then those responsible should be dealt with appropriately. It is common knowledge that riots are a means to political polarization, an election after which can only support the majority community on precincts of the candidate being from the community and not based on leadership qualities. Moreover, laws in US dont have it that constitutionally elected leaders of other countries should be provided with visas. But it does have it that leaders with history of religious persecution be prohibited. Who are we Indians to argue upon the laws of another nation? Lets set our houses right before complaining of other houses. The fact that another country has lopsided rules need not make our Modis less culpable.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?