RE:Heaven in Dhahran
by Ashok Divakar on May 13, 2007 02:31 AM Permalink
Hi my friend, Murthi!
My geetings to yr sister shabnu. I am looking forward to meeting yr other sister. My advise - We saudis are very generous, you should bring your friends here instead of making them jelouse, and in no time India will be richer than USA.
RE:Heaven in Dhahran
by your amre on May 13, 2007 08:26 AM Permalink
i want to meet your sister and enjoy my life with her. I will sg=hare my enjoyment by sending her photos to all of you. Let me know when she is arriving...
I read with amusement the various comments and boasts of "our" NRI Murthy. First and foremost he is an imposter, a frustrated fart of an Indian or perhaps a Paki (I know several of them could react like Murthy). In all probability Murthy must be still in India, a product of poor breast feeding from his surrogate mother. That is why he can see visions of belly dancing in Saudi Arabia. He is surely a homosexual because this is always reverse depiction of a frustrated mind. Murthy has not seen real money for sure. Rich persons in any culture do not show off their wealth. They try to conceal it. So let us be charitable and not make him a hero - the attention for which he craves and will rant against religion and people of our great nation just to get more of it from us to compensate the utter lack of attention he must be getting from his own ilk and kin.
RE:Just Ask for Murthy in Dhahran
by on May 12, 2007 11:58 PM Permalink
charity begins at home, and everything only from home, learn to live in heaven, you n ur sis r in hell, a day will come, a realisation day will come, then u will feel so bad and so embarassed, i cant tell, but u r sure living in a hell situation. change for the goodness, change ur attitude
The so called Indian boom has not benefited the vast majority of the Indian poor.The Indian commies connive to keep the poor and gullible under control by denying them good education which would open their eyes.The politburo is filled with pseudo communists and hypocrites like Prakash and Brinda Karats.....True communists like Gowri Amma of Kerala was never made a member of the politbureau...They were afraid she might do something good for the poor..!
As per the study by PWC, India will surpass USA in terms of GDP (PPP) BY 2050 but because of its huge population (expected at about 1.6 billion), its per capita GDP will still be 1/4 th of USA. So, in short, there is absolutely no shortage of talent, skill and opportunity in India. The only problem I see is of population. Though, as per the study, India (at present) is benefitting from younger population, it will suffer from ageing population by 2060 same as Europe.
RE:India in 2050
by Murthy on May 12, 2007 10:48 PM Permalink
Either you are god or very very bad stupid.
Realistically speaking ....
India will break down into 30 countries LONG TIME BEFORE 2050 due to population explosion, and not all parts of India are being developed equally AND IDLE YOUTH OF 700 MILLION PLUS and growing by 22 million every year WILL NOT SIT IDLE BUT FIGHT.
Pakistan alone is going to have MORE POPULATION THAN USA, and if that state fails, u can imagine where they are going to come in millions into India also. Bangladeshis also will get drowned into sea due to global warming. and 147 million Bangladeshis will COME TO INDIA ALSO !
RE:India in 2050
by Andrew Watkins on May 12, 2007 10:51 PM Permalink
First of all you are a liar, you dont get Rs 25 lacs salary a month. I have contacts in ARAMCO and I know how much people like you get paid as compared to Americans and Europeans. So just shut up and come with your real name which may be PAKI.
RE:RE:India in 2050
by AAA on May 12, 2007 10:56 PM Permalink
Murthy is lying, I cannot believe a consultant can get 25 lacs per month and all the other benefits> I have a friend in brunei, he has much more better package than murthy, but still he doesnot earns 25 lacs per month.
RE:India in 2050
by Swati Sharma on May 13, 2007 05:38 AM Permalink
Murthy may be correct. We should ask him to tell us how many Zeros are there in 1 Lakh. Probably his monthly income is 2500 ( 25 lakhs :)))) )
It is not his fault. It's probably a manufacturing defect.
RE:India in 2050
by AAA on May 12, 2007 10:53 PM Permalink
Murthy, you speak a bit realistically!!! Don't make any assumptions!! And if thats the case, then US (states along the coastal regions) and middle east countries are the first to be drowned due to global warming. people like you have tried a lot to make the statement of dividing indian states, but whats the result? still all states are together and still India is aclled as India.
RE:India in 2050
by Murthy on May 12, 2007 10:57 PM Permalink
Sundarbans in bangladesh is already drowned.
USA Middle east countries HAVE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to build dykes like Holland and less population. Pakistan and bangladesh don't and have higher density populations = refugees to India when they are drowned.
RE:RE:India in 2050
by AAA on May 12, 2007 11:04 PM Permalink
I pty your knowledge murthy!!! even US is worried about this global warming, dykes cannot help them to avoid drowning. Watch discovery/NGC to update your knowledge!!
RE:India in 2050
by Andrew Watkins on May 12, 2007 11:02 PM Permalink
The way you are writing your messages, one can easily say that your are very educated so one can guess that you are doing some blue collar job. Now you will start abusing me with your well known mother/sister swearing.
RE:India in 2050
by Andrew Watkins on May 12, 2007 10:55 PM Permalink
Very true. I guess that this Murthy is one who is missing out all the success which India IT Engineers are getting. So he is little zealous trying to console himself that whatever petty job he is doing in Saudi is still better than begging, which he was doing in India. Come on India. You are the best.
RE:RE:India in 2050
by AAA on May 12, 2007 10:59 PM Permalink
Life in saudi is not easy. I had few friends there, they returned within 2 years. Cos one has to follow Saudi laws there and which are not favourable for indians. In ramazan month, you have to compulsory fast during day time. YOu cannot drink alcohol there. Indian women cannot roam free in saudi, and have to wear burkha all the time if they go out. Its hell out there.
RE:Indian booming - population
by kartik mehta on May 12, 2007 10:44 PM Permalink
And, yes, we if don't work Unitedly, Indians in India & abroad, like in Olympics where we just get one medal & go gung-ho, while Chinese 2nd largest Olympic medal winners & yet strive for more.
Chinese in China & abroad are very United & are entreprenuers & tough decision makers.
We need to think big, be united & else we might loose as we have been for centuries.
RE:Indian booming - population
by kartik mehta on May 12, 2007 10:47 PM Permalink
roti, kapda, Internet, roads, power to farmers- do they have, or could we & should we aim at bringing these basic neccusities, Infrastructure to all.
What Mr Jay ommitted to mention is that people are so desperate they will even go to hell, naywhere but India, and work under hellish condiditons, if it will provide them jobs of nay kind - at least it pays, whic is prefeerable to starving in India. And don't forget over 700 million folks are living in poverty, and over 350 millions are basically starving by any nutritional standard. As Indian hypocracy, the less said the better. Ask any Communist anywhere in this fetid land and they'll tell you that the imperialist US is the worst to hit this earth yet offer them a chance to get a 'Green Card", and they're off - see how the netas and babus boast of having their kids 'well-settled' Amrika, taht same imperialist land. Dung-eating Hypocrites - that's what Indians are!
RE:Exiting a booming
by Globe Mart on May 12, 2007 11:42 PM Permalink
you must have worked hard that is why you are there. Congratulations, I am looking for same endeavour.
RE:Exiting a booming
by Murthy on May 12, 2007 09:38 PM Permalink
I made Rs 65000 and Rs 22,000 was deducted as taxes every month in India until last year.
Now in Saudi Arabia I am making Rs 25 lakhs per month TAX FREE !!!!
PLUS Free accomodation, Free security Nigerian commandoes, Free Driver, Free food, Dirt cheap petrol at less than Rs 1 per liter, Free Cable and internet. A super beautiful mini Aramco township. ZERO CRIME. I dont even lock my doors properly. 5 day work weeks and 6-7 hours daily, not a minute more. Paid holidays to Europe or USA.
Option to transfer funds to Swiss Bank which I do.
I am not even 30 !
Why would anyone like to live in India if he gets an opportunity at young age of below 30 like me ?
RE:RE:Exiting a booming
by Murthy on May 12, 2007 10:15 PM Permalink
An Oil Consultant for Saudi Aramco, world largest oil giant having ownership of 259 billion barrels of Saudi Oil reserves and world's largest oil fields more than area of Germany or France or entire US oil fields. Planned investment over next five years $150 billion dollars for expansion hence need for people like me to facilitate all that.
RE:Exiting a booming
by Commie Fool on May 12, 2007 10:23 PM Permalink
Mr Murthy ,
I have a sinceere request, Please do not come back ever to India. I'm really happy people like you have left India. It just make less garbage to clear from India :-)
RE:Exiting a booming
by AAA on May 12, 2007 10:40 PM Permalink
well murthy, You are having lavish life style there, but what about freedom of leaving in Saudi Arabia. Can you enjoy the money,what you have earning??? Can you roam freely in Ramazan month?? Can a married Indian women walk alone in the streets?? What about clubbing, drinking and other enjoyments!!! India charges 33% for IT, charges 55%, almost every EU countries charge 40%, does it makes any difference?? still people work there and enjoy all the benefits that you are earning in SA!!!
RE:Exiting a booming
by Commie Fool on May 12, 2007 10:33 PM Permalink
Ok Agreed ... India is full of garbage! and we worship monkey and dogs....and whatever else you say.
I will agree to everything my friend if you promise me one thing:
RE:Exiting a booming
by Murthy on May 12, 2007 10:06 PM Permalink
Yes guys, you are right brothers, especially having lived in absolutely bottom pit called India worshipping snakes and monkeys as GODS, i am better off here trillion times , i am actually enjoying my life so much, and making 30 times TAX FREE SALARY and then to Switzerland and a retired multimillionaire when i am 35.
RE:Exiting a booming
by devedas bhaskar on May 12, 2007 10:58 PM Permalink
If you want to be in Aramco( Saudi Arabia) for a long time its your choice..I am happy you and other guys like you are making a lot of money...But do not ever forget the education you got in India is the reason you are there in Aramco now. Denigrating the country from which you benefitted enough to be in your preseent position is mean...Do not also forget that it is also yours and your parents prayers to snakes and monkey Gods that has brought you this windfall..Looking down at your mother country is like looking down at your own mother when you see a beautiful& rich woman... Also remember golden days will not last forever..And when the going gets bad you will return to your country to worship monkey Gods... that might perhaps bring you some solace in your times of misery....
RE:RE:Exiting a booming
by USN Kashyap on May 13, 2007 12:00 AM Permalink
It is here while mentioning "India worshipping snakes and monkeys as Gods" that you are letting the cat out of the bag. You are so cheap, you anti-Hindu bhastard masquerading behind a Hindu-sounding name, you scum of the gutter, son of a street walking whore, son of a thousand fathers, I swear you are not a Hindu. I don't wish to ascribe any religion to you, but you are a faceless coward. You filth comeout in the open with your original name I say. You 25 lac licking menstrual discharge, I was reading all your boasting with interest and I even wished you well. I was only happy that a fellow-Indian is making it big somewhere. That was till I came to your "snake and monkey worshipping". A thousand births you take you will never understand the psychology behind worshipping trees and animals as manifestations of God. That's the way you save environment and forests. You imbecile fart, the desert where you are licking 25 lack boots to make your rials, do you know that once upon a time it was once a country with forests, rivers and lakes? It was turned into a desert by the likes of you worthless worm-infestd festering wounds when you chopped them all off. The day is not far off when the Nigerian commandoes guarding you would turn around and sodomise you and your wealth. You can any day take on an enemy face to face, but not a sidekick like you who lacks an identity of your own.
the craze of migration to usa and europe will only increase cutting across the rich and poor.nothing will stop it.
but at the same time there is massive internal migration .this is a post-liberalisation development. to take one example,every year tens of lakhs of migrants are coming to delhi. nobody talks of them. at the end of the day ,how many are migrating to usa or europe-legally or illegally, how many lakhs? will somebody give an estimation? but they must get huge publicity because enormous amount of money is involved-the poor sells his house/land to pay to the agent(some MPs may be ready to help you!!!) and the rich and the powerful have various resourses under their command, various strings to pull, they are not so naive like the illiterate guy from punjab village. why waste time with poor migrants from bihar or bengal looking to earn a few thousands in the streets of delhi or mumbai so that their families back home can get one sqaure meal a day?
then there are crores of bangladeshis and other non-indians in india illegally. of course we must not talk about it!!!
anything to do with usa or europe is more interesting!!!
i would recommend lot of cities in India as much better than working in Dubai (which is suppossed to be the most developed and Hyped region in gulf). There are lot of horror stories about people being mistreated , no pay for months (and sometimes years) and open discrimination and abuse especially in Labor jobs.Bad weather is an added problem. IT jobs scenario is much better in India . there is hardly any reason to work in Gulf and other economically similar regions . Another 10 years and people would hardly go out of india for money thats seems to be possible
RE:Things are not that good in Gulf region
by Sayed Hamza on May 12, 2007 08:53 PM Permalink
I agree with u that the educated and qualified people will not prefer working in the gulf , but ask any villager and he would still want to rush to the gulf to do a menial job than farming in his home town despite the discrimination. A very few have actually benifited from the boom. By the way I was brought up in Dubai and currently work in bangalore. Irony to the above article