Indian booming - population
by kartik mehta on May 12, 2007 10:38 PM
Whether Indian economy is booming or not booming, whether Indian in India are hypocratic or not, its subjective.
One thing, maybe, we all will agree is Population burst & that is worst for India's growth.
religion, Indian politicians, class, status, Indians living in India or Abroad is secondry, for common man its roti, kapda & makan.
If he gets that, hypocracy n fight in name of class, religion will reduce else we will see more of double standards, hypocracy,
As they say Indian situation with booming population - Ek Anar sau bemar,
Be it Hospitals, police station, amount of land a farmer can have, traffic on roads.
We all those in India & abroad, we need to think unitedly to fight Population rather than fighting amongst ourselves,
There is no perfect world anywhere, everyone has its own positive & negatives. Kartik, New York
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