the craze of migration to usa and europe will only increase cutting across the rich and poor.nothing will stop it.
but at the same time there is massive internal migration .this is a post-liberalisation development. to take one example,every year tens of lakhs of migrants are coming to delhi. nobody talks of them. at the end of the day ,how many are migrating to usa or europe-legally or illegally, how many lakhs? will somebody give an estimation? but they must get huge publicity because enormous amount of money is involved-the poor sells his house/land to pay to the agent(some MPs may be ready to help you!!!) and the rich and the powerful have various resourses under their command, various strings to pull, they are not so naive like the illiterate guy from punjab village. why waste time with poor migrants from bihar or bengal looking to earn a few thousands in the streets of delhi or mumbai so that their families back home can get one sqaure meal a day?
then there are crores of bangladeshis and other non-indians in india illegally. of course we must not talk about it!!!
anything to do with usa or europe is more interesting!!!