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RE:Exiting a booming
by devedas bhaskar on May 12, 2007 10:58 PM

If you want to be in Aramco( Saudi Arabia) for a long time its your choice..I am happy you and other guys like you are making a lot of money...But do not ever forget the education you got in India is the reason you are there in Aramco now.
Denigrating the country from which you benefitted enough to be in your preseent position is mean...Do not also forget that it is also yours and your parents prayers to snakes and monkey Gods that has brought you this windfall..Looking down at your mother country is like looking down at your own mother when you see a beautiful& rich woman... Also remember golden days will not last forever..And when the going gets bad you will return to your country to worship monkey Gods... that might perhaps bring you some solace in your times of misery....

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Exiting a booming India