One cannot ban these as there is a ncessity for the coaching class. If it is banned it will be continued wit hnew name for it because it is the need of the hour for the people.
Here is the big problem fo govt. If something is to be banned Govt should see whether it can be successfully banned or not , whether it is really required and what way the licenses can be given to run the classes etc. Blindly banning will not help. Better give licenses to run classes and tax the income earned. Those who wish to avail it will go for it.
The government should step in and ban coaching classes. Coaching classes are a waste of time. Does a coaching class provide training to its faculty in teaching methods that are different from that provided in a government recognized school? Or do they just provide questions and answers that one "mugs" up and then "spits" out during the examinations?
by raju kumar on Jun 08, 2007 12:12 PM Permalink
if u have nobody to guide at home in which direction to move coachin are best for them otherwise student having brothers or sisters who has already faced the exam can do it without coachin
Coaching classes are here to stay. Whether it is for passing a qualifying exam or a competitive exam, it is coaching that makes the difference. Schools and colleges provide a basic education; their purpose is to provide useful knowledge to help a person become a good citizen. But this aim does not help a candidate to compete effectively or pass a qualifying exam. The aim of a coaching class is to provide the necessary confidence to the students to clear the exams. This aim has a market value and depending on the success rate a coaching class gains reputation. It is there in the market to meet a felt need. It is fashionable to decry a coaching class as a greedy commercial venture. A better approach would be rate the reputation of a coaching class rather than seek banning it.The market has a way of levelling mere profiteering by fraudulant means.Such institutions do not last long.
it has become a fashion to send the kids for such coaching classes. Those who run such classes also do same from home like a school. For an intelligent student such classes are not necessary but parents thrust such classes as they don't have time to spend with their wards to sit and make them prepare for the examinations. On the one hands it looks pity that parents have no time to spend with their kids on the other they can also say that they are sending their kids to coaching which will add as an additional crown in today's world of fashion. In between those who coach also make money of out it. In fact these kind of coach classes were not available few years back but now they have grown more in numbers giving vide opportunity to select. Moreover only those who can afford only send their kids for such coaching.
tell you what... its a CATCH 22 situation COACHING CLASSES are good.. but not in INDIA.
just imagine 3 american school kids and 7 african school kids taking part in a running competition for top 3 places.
(please don't quote irrelavant examples like how ethiopian runners outperform US runners at olympics.)
that is exactly what is happening in india thanks to coaching classes.
kids who can afford expensive coaching classes definitely have advantage over those who cannot.
still there are some extraordinary minds who make it without coaching. for example, guys from my batch (1998 JEE) Rajat Raina(AIR 4), Gopi Krishna (AIR 49) , Mudhakar Srivatsa (AIR 77) .. these guys made it without coaching. and they are exceptionally brilliant.
but at the same time, due to these coaching classes, there are lot of IITians who are not really exceptional. even average tom dick harry end up getting into IITs... only because their dad spent huge amounts on coaching.
Again, COACHING is definitely GOOD if given to everyone. and level the playing field.
ok, whats the solution for this divide?
There are two inter-dependent problems we are trying to address.
1. Groom future scientists who can benefit India and the World through high quality training. 2. Choose the right candidates who have the right aptitude and inclination for Enginering.
There are two "inter-dependent" "orthogonal" problems we are trying to address.
Problem1. Groom future scientists who can benefit India and the World through high quality training. Problem2. Choose the right candidates who have the right aptitude and inclination for Enginering.
we are trying to address the problem with respect to one parameter - COACHING. this parameter can take three values. 1. coaching for none 2. coaching for few (which is the current case) 3. coaching for everyone.
lets analyse the affects of each of these values. 1. coaching for none this miserably fails to address Problem1 but it works well to address Problem2. since, even with the aptitude, the kids will not have trained knowledge to solve real-world problems(or, in this case making them ready for IIT). but since the playing field is levelled, you can easily filter out and select the right candidates.
2. coaching for few. this option works to a certain extent to address Problem1 but fails miserably to address Problem2 since the competition is unfair and you will not be able to select the right candidates.
3. coaching for every one now, this is the option which would address both problems perfectly.. since it prepares the kids well to take on the world and solve Problem1 and level the playing field to solve the Problem2
so here goes my "impractical solution" to this problem.
Root cause for going for a coaching class is the inferior quality of education provided to students at schools and colleges. There are many factors due to which education is being affected in these institutes. 1> There is no system which can make teachers accountable for the performance of students. 2> Not sufficient number of teachers present in schools to cater to all the classes. 3> The teachers are not enthusiastic enough and they don't have the ideals of a good teacher. Now it has become a trend to go for the coachings. Nobody can think of study without coachings. That's why nobody gives a thought to revive the teaching systems in schools and colleges, otherwise there is no need to attend a coaching class and invest huge amount of money there. Only the teachers should understand there responsibility.
Coaching classes are not necessary for all,I believe. The Schools are not engaging good faculty and therefore the students are not getting the right kind of training at school level. Naturally many average students go to coaching institutes to improve their standards.
Take for example my son, he has never attended any coaching classes but still secured 93.30 % in the recent ICSE Board exams for X Class.He achieved this by his natural talent hard work despite weak faculty at school. There are other students who are average but they have taken coaching seesions at different institutes and improved their standards and % of marks in the board exams. So, coaching is not required for everybody but it do help some others .
It is really a agony that India has good brain but do not have tools to recognise them.Our education system is so pathetic that instead of going school,our children prefer to have tuition to teaching in school.Most of the teachers are assocciated with coaching centres and institutions and they encourage children to join them.I ask why cant we give best and competitive education at school.Why we encourge children to go for tuition and coaching.Rather we rectify our system wehere healthy and fruitfyul envionment can be carved for our promising next generation.Commercialisation of education is flagrent and training of teachers shlould be embarked upon and be provided with current modules and curriclum should be revised in oredr to give children a current information on competion front as well as career options with all relevance on future. Anshul Rastogi