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Irony of indian education
by Anshul Rastogi on Jun 06, 2007 12:09 PM

It is really a agony that India has good brain but do not have tools to recognise them.Our education system is so pathetic that instead of going school,our children prefer to have tuition to teaching in school.Most of the teachers are assocciated with coaching centres and institutions and they encourage children to join them.I ask why cant we give best and competitive education at school.Why we encourge children to go for tuition and coaching.Rather we rectify our system wehere healthy and fruitfyul envionment can be carved for our promising next generation.Commercialisation of education is flagrent and training of teachers shlould be embarked upon and be provided with current modules and curriclum should be revised in oredr to give children a current information on competion front as well as career options with all relevance on future.
Anshul Rastogi

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Are coaching classes necessary?