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Teachers should be made accountable
by OCB YamunaNagar on Jun 06, 2007 01:19 PM

Root cause for going for a coaching class is the inferior quality of education provided to students at schools and colleges. There are many factors due to which education is being affected in these institutes.
1> There is no system which can make teachers accountable for the performance of students.
2> Not sufficient number of teachers present in schools to cater to all the classes.
3> The teachers are not enthusiastic enough and they don't have the ideals of a good teacher.
Now it has become a trend to go for the coachings. Nobody can think of study without coachings. That's why nobody gives a thought to revive the teaching systems in schools and colleges, otherwise there is no need to attend a coaching class and invest huge amount of money there. Only the teachers should understand there responsibility.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Are coaching classes necessary?