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my two cents...
by Subramanian HK on Jun 07, 2007 12:34 PM

tell you what... its a CATCH 22 situation
COACHING CLASSES are good.. but not in INDIA.

just imagine 3 american school kids and 7 african school kids taking part in a running competition for top 3 places.

(please don't quote irrelavant examples like how ethiopian runners outperform US runners at olympics.)

that is exactly what is happening in india thanks to coaching classes.

kids who can afford expensive coaching classes definitely have advantage over those who cannot.

still there are some extraordinary minds who make it without coaching. for example, guys from my batch (1998 JEE) Rajat Raina(AIR 4), Gopi Krishna (AIR 49) , Mudhakar Srivatsa (AIR 77) .. these guys made it without coaching. and they are exceptionally brilliant.

but at the same time, due to these coaching classes, there are lot of IITians who are not really exceptional. even average tom dick harry end up getting into IITs... only because their dad spent huge amounts on coaching.

Again, COACHING is definitely GOOD if given to everyone. and level the playing field.

ok, whats the solution for this divide?

There are two inter-dependent problems we are trying to address.

1. Groom future scientists who can benefit India and the World through high quality training.
2. Choose the right candidates who have the right aptitude and inclination for Enginering.


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Are coaching classes necessary?