by paul on Sep 18, 2007 07:04 PM Permalink
Varghese, I am with you 100 % on this. These bong's have become a pain everywhere. A very selfish lot whose only aim is the betterment of thier state & people & not India as a whole. They will probably day-dream about Ganguly leading India in the 2015 World Cup as well. Such ridiculous halucination, let them dream, dreams will always remain dreams.
by Truth on Sep 18, 2007 07:20 PM Permalink
I advice minority (christians) to keep quiet. Don't flame hatred here.
You always need to keep in mind that you are a minority in HINDUstan. Anyway you people are enjoying all the rights becoz of dirty politicians. One Hindu revolution, then you are all dead.
Anyway, Varghese where is your kingdom located!!?? Is it in Kerala!!?? Do you wear crown also!!!. You said you are from royal family. Are you the son of wadiyar!!??
Hey dude, I used believe in what you wrote "Bengalis are far too superior than ..... what bengal thinks today india thinks tomorrow". But now reading all the post being posted on Rediff by Bonga, I really think what I used to believe in was just a joke.
After seeing poverty in majority of calcutta, I really wondered how good these bengalis are??
by Hindustani in OZ on Sep 18, 2007 07:51 PM Permalink
Varghese dont be offended ... they are all bengali's ... btw im a hindu indian ... a non bengali one.
by karthik on Sep 18, 2007 08:05 PM Permalink
u bengalis let me tell you one thing bout south indians they r the one of the best brains in india n u can not neglect the contribution of south indians in indian economy ,n please dont talk shit u bengalis atleast south indians r better than u bengalis who dont know anything except shouting
by Hindustani in OZ on Sep 18, 2007 07:15 PM Permalink
Ya Verghese im with u mate ... im from North India and see how united our country is ... except for this chronic problem called bengal. What an anal pain these guys have become.
by JAYANTA CHOWDHURY on Sep 18, 2007 07:53 PM Permalink
Hi Mere Hindusthani.. Amazing yaar.. Until now I thought you idiot people are our anal problem.. and we used to be blame our ancestor of keeping us related to a uncultured and uneducated society and country. Now I think its time for all bengalis to seriously reconsider our decision for backing this morally bankrupt country of biharies and south indian ugly english speaking fellow indians.
by Abhishek Banerjee on Sep 18, 2007 07:30 PM Permalink
Ha Ha: united North India: talk of Uttar Pradesh... where "beti and vote" go to same caste and talk of Haryana... where Dalit villages are burnt down!
by paul on Sep 18, 2007 07:10 PM Permalink
They have so few heros & role models , have to fall back on a clown like Ganguly who has been so over-rated & over-hyped (as a captain & player). Its a real pity, the true stars of indian cricket are languishing in the background at the expense of this clown. The media is to be blamed for this too. Ganguly's 60 ball 30 gets more attention than a Uthappa's 30 ball 60. Its sheer stupidity !
by JAYANTA CHOWDHURY on Sep 18, 2007 07:49 PM Permalink
You Mr. paul, I fully agree with you, dada who only scored 11000 runs cant even match the athletism you show in the bed with your wife. Hats off to true Indian spirit.
by jayasimha on Sep 18, 2007 07:00 PM Permalink
this is getting very boring--pls substitute dada's name(what does it mean?) by Deep dasgupta, Saba karim,or going back into history Ambar roy Pls also petition somnath chaterjee to take up the matter with lalu prasad yadav--who in turn will persuade dhoni to abdicate in favour of your great gangs.
by Dennis Crasta on Sep 18, 2007 07:04 PM Permalink
We are talking about the most sucessful captian for indian cricket Sourav Ganguly he is also nick named Dada by his team members as well as the public.
by Vikas Shukla on Sep 18, 2007 07:11 PM Permalink
Dada jor se pada..what else i can say..real gentleman would not mark my message as abuse. these bengalis dont hv emerging crickter now and whatever they have is their Dada jor se pada. So let them enjoy for few days as dada will jor se pada soon...
by ab b on Sep 18, 2007 07:18 PM Permalink
This is the PROBLEM with u ONLY When Dada has no problem When Tendulkar and Dravid has No PRoblem. Then No body care about u.. U r going to miss Dada captaincy for whole life dude Let him play his game as a Batsman
by Dennis Crasta on Sep 18, 2007 06:58 PM Permalink
Dhoni has just played a few matches. When ever i see he i feel that he dosen't have a single shot which is out of a textbook. I am sure that india team will lose all the matches with australia. Dada was one guy who had a fighting sprit and leadership qualities. A Leader should be strong hearted, and should have a fire within. Dhoni has none of that. The matches we see him play in the 20-20 competition he has a very poor strike rate compared to other batsmen. Very bad decision on the part of the indian selectors
by on Sep 18, 2007 07:10 PM Permalink
Dada.... please dont score any runs under Dhoni.... teach him and selectors a lessen.... Dada should be made captain for test matches.
by Vikas Shukla on Sep 18, 2007 07:12 PM Permalink
yes, ur dada is listening. he heard that and he will not play under dhoni. cheerz...afterall dada jor se pada
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Sep 18, 2007 08:12 PM Permalink
DADA will be lucky, if he get selected in ODI. I hope he doesn't score under Dhoni, so the selectors have more clearer reason to dump him for good...
by Hindustani in OZ on Sep 18, 2007 07:17 PM Permalink
This guy is a mole ... catch him n kill him ... eradicate this bengali disease from India.
RE:Demolishing Indian Cricket
by on Sep 18, 2007 07:14 PM Permalink
No. Dalmiya should be made captain Dont let Pawar to overpower Dalmiya. U need BENGALI attitude to win.
RE:Thank God Dada is not Captain
by Hindustani in OZ on Sep 18, 2007 06:47 PM Permalink
hahah .... u said it mate :)) u cant even imagine how the bongs feel now ... no other state people will say anything ... is there any maharshtrian saying that sachin dint become the captain? its just the bloody bongs. go dhoni go !!
RE:RE:Thank God Dada is not Captain
by Subhash Mukharjee on Sep 18, 2007 07:19 PM Permalink
Only Dada can make india win. Look at his record. Now u will c how indian team fails under dhoni... :)
RE:Thank God Dada is not Captain
by jayasimha on Sep 18, 2007 06:52 PM Permalink
bang on target--check out NDTV and Times Now --there will be a few obits!!!
Ganguly - should not accept Captainship after someone else left that post.
Tendulkar doesnt have aggression in Captaincy.
Dhoni is a good choice ..
In schools, They make the dumbest guy - the class monitor - so that he himself restricts his mischiefs and monitors others. Dhoni is highly inconsistent as of now, so no one will blame him if he doesnt play well after being captain.
RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by Hindustani in OZ on Sep 18, 2007 06:43 PM Permalink
ek aur bengali ki gaan mein aag lagi hahaha this is amazing !! guys see how these bengali mofo's are getting pissed
RE:RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by Souradip Moitra on Sep 18, 2007 07:02 PM Permalink
Why do these HOOLIGANS start commenting when they don't understand "C" of cricket"?? I should say......Just for you people the INDIAN Democracy has become Dead!!!
RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by Subhash Mukharjee on Sep 18, 2007 07:27 PM Permalink
What is ur first and last name MrHindustani? Dont use abusive language. Keel this place clean. We all will keep abusing each other here and all those cricketers will keep enjoying. Hope u understand.
RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Sep 18, 2007 08:18 PM Permalink
Subhash, you're right and I agree with you. But if you read the post posted by people like JAYANTA CHOWDHURY, i can't really blame Hindustani for loosing his cool...
RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by JAYANTA CHOWDHURY on Sep 18, 2007 06:58 PM Permalink
Hi my friend, Have you ever read Indian history. You should read.. and find out the contribution of Bengali's in evrey part of Indian culture, tradition, pride and politics. Now face yourself to the modern India, you will find bengali's contribution to every part of life where excellence, talent, and devotion is demanded. So I would suggest you and milion of brothers like you to get rid of this hatred talks about bengal and bengali's and try to pay tribute to bengal and be proud feeling that bengal is a part of India and Bengali's still consider the other Indian as their their fellow brothers.
RE:RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by JAYANTA CHOWDHURY on Sep 18, 2007 08:05 PM Permalink
I am replying to your's first.. as you didn't see boot leakers .. only heard of them.. But I really saw some them.. Really.. I swear to God.. I have seen them.. I live in UK and I have seen a lot of Gujrati Patels, and Sardars of SOuthhall.. been proudly booing when an Indian S/W pro from TCS passes them. Although they dont feel guilty as they call them British and when asked them they see the were originally from Kenia.!!! strange isn't it?
RE:RE:RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Sep 18, 2007 08:21 PM Permalink
I live in England too and you're probably blowing an isolated incident out of proportion. Hats off to all your high bengali thoughts and talks...
RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by karthik on Sep 18, 2007 07:10 PM Permalink
but thgis chap doesnt ny way i have read indian history more tahn u guys and i know how a bengalui betrayed sardar bhagat singh,u regionalistic people
RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by JAYANTA CHOWDHURY on Sep 18, 2007 08:01 PM Permalink
Thanks, At least you could name atleast one freedom fighter thats also because you might have watched bhagat sigh film times and times. Good, sardar bhagat singh was not only one who was been betrayed by the british agents there were a lot of other petriots who were been captured by british police with the help of those spys. Most spy were working for british government at that time and some of them were educated also but supported british rules. Sadly those educated goverment spys were mostly bengalis because bengal was the only highly educated state at that time. By the way have you ever heard of Khudiram Bose, Prafulla Chaki, Binoy, Badal, Dinesh .. sadly no isn't it.. Update your history kid.
RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by Hindustani in OZ on Sep 18, 2007 07:22 PM Permalink
jayanta have u ever noticed why only bengal's name is coming up and no other state's? i myself am a big fan of netaji ... but did you think booing you own national team on your home soil is justified? (eden gardens) think again
RE:RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by JAYANTA CHOWDHURY on Sep 18, 2007 08:10 PM Permalink
Hi my friend.. Netaji is not so flamboyant like Sachin Tendulkar. Don't be his fan.. If u really like him.. try to feel his pain and his sacrifice. I live in UK.. cricket lovers here knows Eden Garden and consider Eden Garden and its crowd as one of the best ground in the world and one of the best cricket loving crowds. Sadly you only remeber the other side.. may be because you haven't got Eden Garden in your city.. I would advice you that you and your fellow friends should demand your state govt for another Eden Garden.
RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by Surajit Dash on Sep 18, 2007 08:46 PM Permalink
Guys - Dont start hatred... Bengalis or Non-Bengalis.. let Dada take rest and enjoy his cricket rather than being burdened by the pressure of captaincy... One day he has to retire and by that time, Inia must have a matured Captain to take over. That time is now.
When Indira Gandhi Died.. India thought- That its doomed.. who will run the country!! Is it running till now or not ?
Dont think about Dada or anyone in Cricket .. because Its BCCI's Own decision. Though we live in a democracy, the meek Indian people cant start a revolution to change anything.. Has Mandal commission stopped? Has Casteicism stopped? Has regional hatred stopped?
Forget and enjoy Cricket - let it be Win Or Loss.. We dont have to do anything ... Just sit in fromt of the TV with Popcorns and enjoy !!!
I am sure the selection committee has more experience in cricket than me but I don't think Dhoni should have been given this responsibility at this point in time because he is in the early stages of his career and if he gets affected by the pressures of captaincy, it may have a bad effect on his career. If greats like Sachin can get affected then it is more than likely Dhoni would especially when he has not stamped his mark on the game as yet and been inconsistent. I hope he proves me wrong though. I am also worried that since he has years of cricket left in him he would end up being a puppet in the hands of BCCI and the selectors as he would be too scared about his future to go against them even if they are wrong. He should nave been made the captain once he proved he was indispensible to the board. If someone like Sachin was made the captain he would be able to go against anything the board does wrong because he knows he cannot be removed from the team because of his performance.
RE:Too early in his career to be captain...
by Frank Opinion on Sep 18, 2007 06:45 PM Permalink
Hats off to you. Perhaps you are the first Bengali from whom I have read mature comments with no mention of ganguly. just go below and read what other comrades have said - how can a bengali play under a bihari and biharis clean toilet at kolkata. Being a retired defence officer, it pains to read such comments. we never thought who was commanding us- a malayali or a punjabi. national duty had to be done at any cost. if we cant rise above regionalism, then why blame vengsarkar for picking up agarkar regularly
RE:Too early in his career to be captain...
by paul on Sep 18, 2007 06:51 PM Permalink
you keep calling Ganguly an all-time great captain, pls look at the records, most of his wins & runs have come against the minnows. Out of his 22 ODI centuries, half of it is against the minnows. He has overseas Test wins against Zimbabawe & Bangladesh. Dravid has contributed a lot to his success as a captain in the wins in Australia . Be clear of the facts
RE:Too early in his career to be captain...
by Sanjay Krishna on Sep 18, 2007 06:43 PM Permalink
DO not worry, Bihar and Biharis are good leaders. Actually they are born leaders and that you can see in their personality, see all Important ministory, burocrats , key position in govt etc. Dhoni is the same. He will perform well, and lead India in a new era.
RE:Too early in his career to be captain...
by Hindustani in OZ on Sep 18, 2007 06:49 PM Permalink
im 100 % positive dhoni will do well ... look at his body language ... full of confidence.
RE:Yessss no Dada !!!
by Hindustani in OZ on Sep 18, 2007 06:27 PM Permalink
all bengali babus asses must be one fire hahah what a KLPD ... i guess he wasnt even approached by the board .... hahaha
RE:RE:Yessss no Dada !!!
by Hindustani in OZ on Sep 18, 2007 06:30 PM Permalink
Look @ the comments by all bengalis ... i mean c'mon ... there's more to life than ganguly. And they were the same bengalis who booed indian team when dada was removed as a captian.
RE:RE:RE:Yessss no Dada !!!
by paul on Sep 18, 2007 06:53 PM Permalink
He is their GOD. Since they don't have too many role models (heros), they have no choice but to chant his name till eternity.
You so called non begali Indians... be careful before uttering your hatred comments about bengalis. If you look back to Indian history you would be ashamed that bengal and bengali's were leaders in every part of life where talent, devotion, and excellence is desired like art & culture, music, literature, politics, science tech, invention etc. Now look at the modern India, the story is same. And for your information we do not need role models in cricketers or pop singers, we have so many role models and famous personalities that its very hard for us to choose one among many. It might all sound to you like absurd talks as I know that people like you who are in billions scattered all over in India like sharma, barma, and so called pandits are not brought up in a proper educated and cultured environment. Its not your fault. Try to pay proper respect and consider the fact that we are far too superior than you.. what bengal thinks today india thinks tomorrow.. that was true in the past, is true in the present and will remain true in the next 500 years.
RE:RE:RE:Yessss no Dada !!!
by Debasish Bandyopadhyay on Sep 18, 2007 07:05 PM Permalink
I appreciate the decesion of making Dhoni as Indian Captain. He is young, courragious and seems to be good material as captain. Tendulkar was a flop captain and though Ganguli was the best Indian captain but they will at their flagend of cricketing carrier. It is high time to give captaincy to youngstars. In my openoin,it would have been better to offer captaincy to Yubraj Singh as he is senior to Dhoni and played many good innings. Dhoni is my second choice. We all are Indian first then either Bengali, Panjabi, Bihari, Tamil or Marathi etc later. After 60 years of independence we are fighting with this provincialism or in the name of religion, which made us looser. let we all promise that we love each other as Indian only.
RE:RE:RE:Yessss no Dada !!!
by Sudipto Ghosh on Sep 18, 2007 07:05 PM Permalink
To Hindustani / Paul, yes I am a bengali and proud to be one. I have two questions for you: 1. What makes you think that there is anything regionalistic in my comment? 2. Do you not have any guts to disclose your identity. Its easy to make anonymous comments!!
i`m not a gr8 but good follower of cricket. n i do feel dat Dravid has quit mailny bcoz.
1. 4 super stars in the team, one break dancer and one who plays for opposition team.
2. Altough we did perform well in England, still he faced unamounted criticism.
3.Upcoming Australiam Tour and he has to play well, and he knows he cant do it with captaincy on his shoulders as he has to answer for his captaincy n also for his batting.
4. No say over selection and playing with australia with present pack of cricketers is going to backfire.
And always Dravid wanna spend some time with his family with no tensions..he wanna be a father yaar common( i donno if he is already)
give a thumbs up for Dravid..he may hav done good or bad..but has left the captaincy cap with respect.
Now let the media keep churining of various combinations and permutation
n let Siddhus( killer), jadeja( broker) have thier say on the new captain..
RE:chalo chale mitwa
by jayasimha on Sep 18, 2007 06:46 PM Permalink
jadeja is a smooth talking conman who should be banned for betraying the country--he has never practised what he preaches--the same goes to sidhu the murderer--it is the media making heroes out of these zeros