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RE:Best Choice - Dhoni
by Surajit Dash on Sep 18, 2007 08:46 PM

Guys - Dont start hatred... Bengalis or Non-Bengalis.. let Dada take rest and enjoy his cricket rather than being burdened by the pressure of captaincy... One day he has to retire and by that time, Inia must have a matured Captain to take over. That time is now.

When Indira Gandhi Died.. India thought- That its doomed.. who will run the country!! Is it running till now or not ?

Dont think about Dada or anyone in Cricket .. because Its BCCI's Own decision. Though we live in a democracy, the meek Indian people cant start a revolution to change anything.. Has Mandal commission stopped? Has Casteicism stopped? Has regional hatred stopped?

Forget and enjoy Cricket - let it be Win Or Loss.. We dont have to do anything ... Just sit in fromt of the TV with Popcorns and enjoy !!!

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Dhoni named captain for ODIs