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Too early in his career to be captain...
by Sudipto Ghosh on Sep 18, 2007 06:29 PM

I am sure the selection committee has more experience in cricket than me but I don't think Dhoni should have been given this responsibility at this point in time because he is in the early stages of his career and if he gets affected by the pressures of captaincy, it may have a bad effect on his career. If greats like Sachin can get affected then it is more than likely Dhoni would especially when he has not stamped his mark on the game as yet and been inconsistent.
I hope he proves me wrong though.
I am also worried that since he has years of cricket left in him he would end up being a puppet in the hands of BCCI and the selectors as he would be too scared about his future to go against them even if they are wrong.
He should nave been made the captain once he proved he was indispensible to the board. If someone like Sachin was made the captain he would be able to go against anything the board does wrong because he knows he cannot be removed from the team because of his performance.

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Dhoni named captain for ODIs