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RE:RE:RE:RE:Yessss no Dada !!!
by JAYANTA CHOWDHURY on Sep 18, 2007 07:25 PM


You so called non begali Indians... be careful before uttering your hatred comments about bengalis. If you look back to Indian history you would be ashamed that bengal and bengali's were leaders in every part of life where talent, devotion, and excellence is desired like art & culture, music, literature, politics, science tech, invention etc. Now look at the modern India, the story is same. And for your information we do not need role models in cricketers or pop singers, we have so many role models and famous personalities that its very hard for us to choose one among many. It might all sound to you like absurd talks as I know that people like you who are in billions scattered all over in India like sharma, barma, and so called pandits are not brought up in a proper educated and cultured environment. Its not your fault. Try to pay proper respect and consider the fact that we are far too superior than you.. what bengal thinks today india thinks tomorrow.. that was true in the past, is true in the present and will remain true in the next 500 years.


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