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Islam Needs leadership
by mandar on Apr 28, 2008 02:32 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Islam as a religion and muslims all over need good leadership who can guide them in a better way to get accomodated in the multi cultural, multilingual, multi religious world that is ever becoming smaller due to technological advances.

The main fear amongst others is the adamancy of Muslims considering only Islam as the true religion and their ways from pre historic times to convert others to their religion by hook or crook. Every individual wants to practice his own faith and enjoy the freedom of conversion as per his will. Many muslims do want to change their faith. But they are not allowed to do so. Many muslims want to bring out the true stories about Islam. But for fear they can not do so. Salman Rushdie is still living under fear for writing the truth. The fatwas from Ulemas make the life of free and independant living muslims the most miserable.

The big talks of Islam as a growing religion is a myth. Allow the freedom of conversion and see hordes of muslims will come out of the prison called Islam. Mainly the women who live their life below human dignity. A small utterance criticizing Quran or Quranic verses and the man is in danger of his life. Islam is growing in this fear.

Second reason is their producing capacity. Every man marries four women and every women produces minimum five childre. Thus one man creates minimum 20 new muslims whether he is able to feed them or not. Others take responsibility of their children restricting to 1 or 2 children.

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  RE:Islam Needs leadership
by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 02:36 PM   Permalink
It is a prehistoric religion alive on blind naive ideals. They say "just because muslims were not destroyed in the past, we will not get destroyed now".

These poor people are living in the past, they dont realize that every thing that happens in this world happens someday for the first time only , like the destruction of Islam.

They dont see the signs of coming things. Nuke attack by Israel/USA. Global warming where all poor people will die of natural disaster, and that encompasses atleast 70% of 1.4 billion muslims. Annihilation of Pakistan by India. Islam is about to sweep out from mankind, Satan is about to be defeated.

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  RE:RE:Islam Needs leadership
by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 02:40 PM   Permalink
hahaha .....good joke ..


nuke attack by ISREAL/USA mean NONE OF ISLAMIC COUNTRY HAS NUKE ......the SATAN will be defeated soon dont worry ....HINDUISM and YOUR CHRITIANITY will be wiped from the face of earth ..

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  RE:Islam Needs leadership
by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 02:46 PM   Permalink
You know China has eradicated 3 million (30 lacks) Chinese Muslims in the past 10 years silently. The same china has given beggar nukes to Pakistan. The same China will anyday KILL pakistan in 20 minutes if Muslims decide to bomb the olympic games as is widely circulated in news nodadays.

And for your information, God has made muslim countries so weak that 22 muslim states cannot match one small noble brave country Israel. Do you know why, because Jews are the chosen people of God, and the righeous never fall in front of the wicked.

Like Hindus never fell in front of the evil Muslims and we never converted. You could cut off our heads, but not our sould, we refused to convert. And today we stand in front of Muslims, with our Hindu Indian culture, so strong that one missile from India can annihilate 90% muslims.

The righeous shall never fall in front of the wicked.

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  RE:Islam Needs leadership
by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 02:55 PM   Permalink
you know some thing ...

its not GOD which made muslims country weak ...but its your father AMERICA and BRITISH which are supporting ISREAL ...and the differences between the muslim nations .....

otherwise do you think that ISREAL could ever breath in between MUSLIM NATIONS ....

i think its you who should be more worried about CHINA ...because CHINA can sweep INDIA and all HINDUS less than 20 minutes .....

it was the foolish MUSLIM ancestors who showed Mercy on you and let you live ....otherwise do you think you would have ever existed after being ruled by muslims for so many years .....

HINDUS are so filthy that they can convert to any religion if you give them MONEY ....

look at your SUNITA WILLIAMS who converted just for AMERICAN NATIONALITY the same way there are many HINDUS who converted to CHRISTIANITY for citizenship and MONEY ......

you know even a small BOMB from any MUSLIM COUNTRY can wipe you off ..

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  RE:Islam Needs leadership
by Sonia on Apr 28, 2008 03:17 PM   Permalink
A correction...if some Hindus got converted to Christians, how does it change anything ? According to our Hindus beliefs , all Gods are same and there is only one creator. And we are given freedom to worship that sole creator in any form , in any ways ( as HE exists everywhere in all forms). Thats why even if a Hindu enters a church ,he bows his head coz his GOD is existing there in another does it matter which form ?? I pity ur thoughts , and thats how Hinduism differs from islam. We by nature and toleration are much much greater that you....

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  RE:Islam Needs leadership
by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 03:30 PM   Permalink

i am aware of your double standards ...still

it was YOU who was praising CHINA who occupied our territory ....who occupied your KAILASA where SHIVA became NRI .....

GOD blessed MUSLIMS the strength to exist even when the whole world attacked it ......ISLAM still exists ....and will prevail ......

no country is feeding me for free ...i am earning hard ......nothing is given for free

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  RE:Islam Needs leadership
by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 03:03 PM   Permalink
Who gave power to America? God.
Who gave intelligence to Jews? God.
Who gave progress to Indian Hindus? God.
Who gave destruction and weakness to Muslims?

Becuase of hte crimes of Islam.

Look at yourself, praying to God that China destroys the country that feeds you and your family. This inherent evil in you is inculcated from Islam. That is why you will never be the one loved by God as Satan lives in you ad infinitum.

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