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RE:Islam Needs leadership
by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 02:55 PM

you know some thing ...

its not GOD which made muslims country weak ...but its your father AMERICA and BRITISH which are supporting ISREAL ...and the differences between the muslim nations .....

otherwise do you think that ISREAL could ever breath in between MUSLIM NATIONS ....

i think its you who should be more worried about CHINA ...because CHINA can sweep INDIA and all HINDUS less than 20 minutes .....

it was the foolish MUSLIM ancestors who showed Mercy on you and let you live ....otherwise do you think you would have ever existed after being ruled by muslims for so many years .....

HINDUS are so filthy that they can convert to any religion if you give them MONEY ....

look at your SUNITA WILLIAMS who converted just for AMERICAN NATIONALITY the same way there are many HINDUS who converted to CHRISTIANITY for citizenship and MONEY ......

you know even a small BOMB from any MUSLIM COUNTRY can wipe you off ..

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