You know China has eradicated 3 million (30 lacks) Chinese Muslims in the past 10 years silently. The same china has given beggar nukes to Pakistan. The same China will anyday KILL pakistan in 20 minutes if Muslims decide to bomb the olympic games as is widely circulated in news nodadays.
And for your information, God has made muslim countries so weak that 22 muslim states cannot match one small noble brave country Israel. Do you know why, because Jews are the chosen people of God, and the righeous never fall in front of the wicked.
Like Hindus never fell in front of the evil Muslims and we never converted. You could cut off our heads, but not our sould, we refused to convert. And today we stand in front of Muslims, with our Hindu Indian culture, so strong that one missile from India can annihilate 90% muslims.
The righeous shall never fall in front of the wicked.