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What leads to terrorism.
by aarti on May 15, 2008 03:20 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I am an indian resident , rather a resident of jaipur. I also had cruel feelings in my heart when the blasts occured. But stop for a moment and think.. why terrorism ? what gives birth to terrorism. i lot of questions are answered but a lot unanswered.

I ask you.. If any crime happens around you, do you have the courage to go to a police station and file a report ?? how many of you have the faith in the judicial system ? in teh police?
How many of you think our judicial system is not corrupt ?
The innocent is punished and the culprit is released. The leaders of the country need to wake up .
people need to have faith in the law and order.
The country needs to be goverend by law.
I would ask, its not the muslims who undergo all this but its any religion.. be it hindu or christian. The guilty is left free to hang around and the innocent man is hanged till death. Corruption is at every level of the structure of teh society.
These acts of injustice give rise to the hatred in the minds of people who turn terrorist.
By killing one you cannot destroye the community .. Its just that this race is aggressive and the hindus can resist being aggressive.... thats teh only difference.

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  RE:What leads to terrorism.
by deepak on May 16, 2008 04:19 AM   Permalink
Arti you are idealistic and off target. Jihadic terror which is a world wide phenomenon has nothing to do with Indian police being corrupt but everythign to do with Islam. If you want to be politically correct and get away with statements like 'Any religion' then you are wrong. Jihadic terror is purely Islamic and seeks to destroy all Hindus, Jews, Christians or anyone who is not Muslim.

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  RE:RE:RE:What leads to terrorism.
by aarti on May 16, 2008 04:23 PM   Permalink
no deepak I dont want to be politically correct. But no one is borm wid an aim to be a terrorist. they have a reason. what would u do if u are brutally beaten in a police station for no reason of urz.. or a near n dear is punished if he was innocent. Would u still trust teh law ?
what if a culprit who caused much harm to u is released to roam in this world.
No Deepak. U cannot be blind to injustice because u dont see it. I still feel we need to get to the roots. being politically correct will not help me or u . rather, I also mentioned that muslims are the aggressive community. They do have some interpretations of quran which do not have the right base.
Of they are 60 % responsible. you Need to give 40 % initiation responsility to those who forced tehm to become terrorists.
Quran has undergone a lot of versioning and in that course i feel it lost its context and had incorrect interpretations. We cannot kill all the muslims.. I have met muslims who are eductaed and much more sophisticated and intelligent. It has got somethign to do with eductaion too.
its not that they just wanna destroy. why ?? think ..

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  RE:What leads to terrorism.
by Arun on May 15, 2008 06:43 PM   Permalink
This is the Nazi & Fascist attitude thats what the BJP(Indian Taliban) is trying to instigate in the name of religion but these Indian Talibans(BJP, VHP) forget this is the land of Karma

Creating hatred among the Indians, these VHP terrorist have no other work

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  RE:What leads to terrorism.
by Anuj Sharma on May 15, 2008 04:08 PM   Permalink
True Aarti, I agree with you but Y do you vote for the party who is only interetsted in minority votes and doesnot care about the majority. See the words spoken by Sonia and its band of Chamchas when Bomb Blast occured in a mesjid in Hyderabad.. see the words now. and try to judge the difference. In India nobosy is bothered about the majority community and every body is trying to woo the minority coz they are united, their votes are united. Let all Hindus unite their votes and vote only for a party which can take their cause... believe me, Sonia, and band of Chamchas, Commies will all come and lkick our feet once we show them that our votes are united.

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  RE:What leads to terrorism.
by aarti on May 16, 2008 04:06 PM   Permalink
I agree to this Anuj, but any of the parties at the moment are not rooted out of corruption. the root cause of terrorism needs to be looked at . Its not going to be a short term mission. But only if these people have faith in teh governemnt, the terrorism can be eradictaed .. or tehre can atleast be some hope. Corruption is like a cancer. It is so deep rooted at every level. Only some one like Gandhi could maybe deal with it. Bceause one of the two sides needs to be non- violent. Gujrata isnt the way to dela wid teh issues.
again it repeats.. the blasts happen, this innocent person... who happenes to run the cyber cafe from where the email was sent is arrested at 2 in teh night by the police... sure these people wudnt have treated him decently. this is how terrorism arises!. He is not guilty .. it so happens that his cyber cafe was chosen.. but he is paying for that.

I agree hindus should unite. But will that be the end of terrorism ? If hindus unite and vote for one party ?

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  RE:What leads to terrorism.
by Arun on May 15, 2008 06:36 PM   Permalink
The Indian Taliban(BJP) was first to gian political mileage out of this sorrowful thing, Bhagavan knows who is behind these blasts as polls are nearing in Rajasthan and there is anitincumbancy prevailing in the state.
BJP(Indian Taliban) has previously done it in AKshardam aand many places.... just to raise the emotions of the people and capture the votes, all that they want is only power.

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  RE:RE:What leads to terrorism.
by Vasanth Srinivas on May 15, 2008 08:48 PM   Permalink
Peforming "Taquiya" hiding behind a hindu name...?
Good performance. But not worth it. No one is going to hear your words.
Everyone knows what Congress / Communists / Muslims are upto.
If this is just an election gimmick, the bombs would have went off well before Karnataka elections.
BJP is in power in Rajastan. It would be totally idiotic for the party to stage a drama under their rule. Get life and dont brainwash others.

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  RE:What leads to terrorism.
by JB on May 15, 2008 11:51 PM   Permalink
That's a good fitting name for BJP, Indian Taleban. I'm gonna use that name from now on. They are truly the Hindu version of taleban. They should be weeded out of the society.

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  RE:What leads to terrorism.
by Pradip Parekh on May 15, 2008 08:26 PM   Permalink
wrong message. you say leaders need to wake up!!! no aarti ji, it is not leaders that need to wake up, it is the people that need to wake up. if the people keep electing wrong govt, the result will be wrong policies, and wrong results. elect narendra modi to be the pm. is that so hard to figure?

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  RE:What leads to terrorism.
by rajesh roul on May 15, 2008 08:34 PM   Permalink
Mr Pradeep Parekh, Why you put Narendra Modi into Picture now? Don't you know that Mr Modi killed innocent Muslims during Godhra Incidents? He is the Biggest Terrorist. And you gujju people have elected a Terrorist to become a Cheif Minister, and so now you want him to be the Prime Minister. USA has denied VISA to him. That is the Biggest Insult ever happened to a Head of a State. USA has done the Justice to the People killed in Godhra. Narendra Modi Murdabaad. If Modi would be in any other country than India, he would have faced the same fate as Saddam Hussain. Only Because India's loose laws, he is still alive, and that's too he is elected as Chief Minsister of a State by the most foolish people of India, and that is Gujarat.

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  RE:What leads to terrorism.
by aarti on May 16, 2008 04:17 PM   Permalink
Lets not discuss narenrda modi here. thats a different issue. I do beelive that peoplel need to wake up more... and more on this could be brught baout by eductaion. Eductaed class doent act like that. most of teh people involved in these acts are illiterate , because they have incorrect interpretations of islam... I think education can also be a way to acheive peace.

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  RE:RE:What leads to terrorism.
by aarti on May 16, 2008 04:08 PM   Permalink
I agree. people need to wake up too. and the leaders are formed by the people. they are the people. Yes, its teh whoe system.

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