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RE:RE:RE:What leads to terrorism.
by aarti on May 16, 2008 04:23 PM

no deepak I dont want to be politically correct. But no one is borm wid an aim to be a terrorist. they have a reason. what would u do if u are brutally beaten in a police station for no reason of urz.. or a near n dear is punished if he was innocent. Would u still trust teh law ?
what if a culprit who caused much harm to u is released to roam in this world.
No Deepak. U cannot be blind to injustice because u dont see it. I still feel we need to get to the roots. being politically correct will not help me or u . rather, I also mentioned that muslims are the aggressive community. They do have some interpretations of quran which do not have the right base.
Of they are 60 % responsible. you Need to give 40 % initiation responsility to those who forced tehm to become terrorists.
Quran has undergone a lot of versioning and in that course i feel it lost its context and had incorrect interpretations. We cannot kill all the muslims.. I have met muslims who are eductaed and much more sophisticated and intelligent. It has got somethign to do with eductaion too.
its not that they just wanna destroy. why ?? think ..

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