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RE:What leads to terrorism.
by aarti on May 16, 2008 04:06 PM

I agree to this Anuj, but any of the parties at the moment are not rooted out of corruption. the root cause of terrorism needs to be looked at . Its not going to be a short term mission. But only if these people have faith in teh governemnt, the terrorism can be eradictaed .. or tehre can atleast be some hope. Corruption is like a cancer. It is so deep rooted at every level. Only some one like Gandhi could maybe deal with it. Bceause one of the two sides needs to be non- violent. Gujrata isnt the way to dela wid teh issues.
again it repeats.. the blasts happen, this innocent person... who happenes to run the cyber cafe from where the email was sent is arrested at 2 in teh night by the police... sure these people wudnt have treated him decently. this is how terrorism arises!. He is not guilty .. it so happens that his cyber cafe was chosen.. but he is paying for that.

I agree hindus should unite. But will that be the end of terrorism ? If hindus unite and vote for one party ?

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