Tell me a country, which won its independence in a non-violence movement other than india. Non-violence is tried movement in sri lanka. Diliphan was dead in the hunger strike. Lots of gandhian efforts were made. Only after that, they turned to weapons. If you accept the kosovo's independence, why don't you accept the eelam's independence? And repeatedly i'm saying, eelam is in india's interest, but srilanka is not in india's interest. Why can't you guys, understand that sri lanka, pulled india's legs at every possible instance... Man, i just tell you... let the tamils be killed and made extinct in srilanka. And for sure sri lanka, will be a jehad base for pakistan like bangaladesh and myanmar. India is fast losing its support from nepal... Tell me, which neighboring country is in india's favor? I can't see one. And we have so many betrayers as our neighbors. LTTEs could have made plenty of money and arms in assiting paki terrorist to sneak into our territory. But, they didn't do it... but sri lanka will do it, for sure it will do, when there is no help of india required in wiping out tamils..... go morons go.. and keep patronising lankans... and you will pay for that....
RE:you will pay for it....
by Rajeev on Mar 11, 2008 07:09 AM Permalink
Yes every country's independence movement saw violence, but LTTE here just killing the innocent people. Initially LTTE's main goal was Tamil's benefit, but later LTTE become more like terrorist organization with many of the brutal terrorist attacks.
I think the best way for peace in Srilanka would be to involve India actively in peace talk and both of the part *Sri Lanka & LTTE) must agree what India tells. But for some reason LTTE is not agreeing so srilanka also says no.
as far as relation with neighboring country is concerned for India, the actual problem is the Indian leaders they don't have any vision they are too busy making money and grabbing power, where is the time for them to think about country.
RE:you will pay for it....
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 10:49 AM Permalink
Rajeev(Rajiv wud b a better spelling ...just for ur views!!)..INDIAN establishment..esp. CONGRESS always supports SINHALA GOVT. then how will LTTE cooperate with india?. and WHY SHUD INDIA interfere in "other" country's matter?.. India interfered in BANGLADESH just becas of BENGALI lobby....the TAMIL LOBBY in delhi is DEAD AGAINST its not good to take TAMILS IN CENTRAL GOVT. into confidence...and in media we have TAMIL TRAITORS like "THE HINDU" N.RAM...(receipient of SRILANKA RATNA)...Cho.RAMASAMY..etc etc...There are VERY FEW good TAMIL BRAHMINS A.P.Venkateswaran... Unlesss Pro-TAMIL lobby gets power in delhi...we cant expect JUST SOLUTION for EELAM TAMILS from india
RE:you will pay for it....
by Veluswamy kumaran on Mar 11, 2008 10:57 AM Permalink
Don't even call Ram as hindu. He is an anti-hindu and anti-india. You can find, in most of his articles, he used to praise commies. He is running a left wing newspaper. He betrayed india once. I stil remember, when there around 200 bangaldeshi's tried enter india, they were get caught. And he wrote, in his paper as "Bengali speaking muslims were captured by army". Did you got what he mean? He says, they are indians branded by the army as bangaladeshis. Coward bugger. Given right treatment from jj. Though i hate her. She gave the right treatment to this fellow.
RE:you will pay for it....
by Veluswamy kumaran on Mar 11, 2008 10:12 AM Permalink
Just tell me the case, you are going to assist srilanka in destroying tamils. And srilanka, finds pakis as their common friends. And they start helping pakis to sneak terrorists to come into our country. Then you don't have a support in sri lanka. And for 200% sri lanka will do it. Because, they never supported india in international arena. That is the history. And history tend to repeat. What you do then?