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hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 09, 2008 11:18 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

ltte destroys mandirs in sri lanka, but would never touch a church. ltte is a missionary army, suported by foreign missionary establishments. prabhakaran is not a hindu.

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by William Thomson on Mar 10, 2008 02:33 PM   Permalink
Involve VHP ,RSS &Bazrang Dal to see the difference

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 11:33 PM   Permalink
What about if we are against genocide of tmail hindus there? Should we not support that either?

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 10, 2008 12:17 AM   Permalink
buddhist sinhalas are not against hindu tamils. however, if the hindus must fight for the wrongs, real or perceived, they don't need missionary support. see how they are fighting in malaysia against the worst tyrant: islam. missionary ltte help is as relevant to their rights as taliban or al quaida help would be.

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  RE:RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by snpost on Mar 10, 2008 12:24 AM   Permalink
so aerial bombing of tamils is the right approach. The malaysian are not idiots. I am not sure they are not going to start a war, that will in the end destroy malaysia itself.
Guys who are you fooling?
Do not expect us to give you weapon to continue your genocide?
But do expect us to be really fedup watching genocide of hindus or tamil terrorist as you called them.

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  RE:RE:RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 10, 2008 12:43 AM   Permalink
the hindu tamils can regroup and figure out a peace deal with sri lanka majority using rss help. it is a losing proposition to be mixed up with missionaries and waging a war of terror. i notice you fail to mention missionaries destructive role. are you a missionary sympathizer? are you a hindu?

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 10, 2008 02:10 AM   Permalink
ok, now that we got that settled, although you danced around it remarkably, the way forward is not thr' ltte. involve rss into this.

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by snpost on Mar 10, 2008 12:51 AM   Permalink
yes i am hindu- that why i am concerned about genocide of my fellow hindus.
i was too young raise my voice during the genocide of kashmiri pandits as a community.
why is sighalese commiting genocide on a hindu population?

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by snpost on Mar 10, 2008 01:27 AM   Permalink
Missionary has no place in India, christian or jihadis

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by snpost on Mar 10, 2008 02:47 AM   Permalink
sound good to me

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by snpost on Mar 10, 2008 02:31 AM   Permalink

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:35 PM   Permalink
Brahamans and Vellalars are not friends. Saiva and Vaina war is truly a brahmin and Vellala war. Today all brahmin lobby in India is against LTTe and Tamil community.They will say all north Indians are good and Tamils are bad because they refuse to accept Hindi. Look at Subramaniam swamy, the CIA agent or Jayalalitha or Cho Ramasamy propagating that LTTE killed more Tamils than anyone else. We in Tamilnadu clearly understand the underlined message of Brhamins. I ask only a simple question to Brahmins. What is your mother tongue. Don't say Sanskrit. It was never a spoken language as per history. In fact, it was a clergy language.
Try to understand that it is an ethinic war. Singhala army is supported by Indian government to curb the tamil voice in Tamilnadu and elsewhere. Tamil is a global community. It can handle the presure very well.Rest of India is threatened by the intellectual power and the political power of Dravidian communities here. They want to maintain the caste system by hook or crook. Hence, tamil is considered as Anti-hindu laguage and Tamils as Anti-Nationals.

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by ramabhadranS on Mar 10, 2008 03:48 PM   Permalink
Mr elango,If you know what Brahminism says,you will not write what you have written. You are like LKG child who knows only the alphabet and behaving as he knows everything. If the Brahmin is born in TN then his mother tounge is tamil and same as for other states.But it is in TN that anti brahmins feelings are high. It is nothing but on a fear psychosis that brahmins with their high intellectuality grow higher and higher.I pity you.Please Do not look for subsidies (such as reservation, backward caste allowances etc)thrown by the Govt but try to climb with your brain and knowledge.Do away with the caste system and try to win your place by merit.DO NOT SPLIT INDIA with HINDU or ANTIHINDU.Do not take religion too much into your head. if you are educated, you will know what religion is and who created it.Recently I saw in TV news that in a village in TN, a section of hindus, in the name of God, drank the blood of Goats and cocreals. Is this what Hinduism teaches?

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:21 PM   Permalink
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:13 PM
Brahamans and Vellalars are not friends. Saiva and Vaina war is truly a brahmin and Vellala war. Today all brahmin lobby in India is against LTTe and Tamil community.They will say all north Indians are good and Tamils are bad because they refuse to accept Hindi. Look at Subramaniam swamy, the CIA agent or Jayalalitha or Cho Ramasamy propagating that LTTE killed more Tamils than anyone else. We in Tamilnadu clearly understand the underlined message of Brhamins. I ask only a simple question to Brahmins. What is your mother tongue. Don't say Sanskrit. It was never a spoken language as per history. In fact, it was a clergy language.
Try to understand that it is an ethinic war. Singhala army is supported by Indian government to curb the tamil voice in Tamilnadu and elsewhere. Tamil is a global community. It can handle the presure very well.Rest of India is threatened by the intellectual power and the political power of Dravidian communities here. They want to maintain the caste system by hook or crook. Hence, tamil is considered as Anti-hindu laguage and Tamils as Anti-Nationals.

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by William Thomson on Mar 10, 2008 02:26 PM   Permalink
you must not be a hindu

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 05:55 AM   Permalink
Dont be silly. Around 80% of the Sri Lankan Tamils are Hindus and the rest Chritians. The LTTe has not destroyed any Hindu temple or a Christian church. They were destroyed by the Sri Lankan army and by the IPKF too for your information.Pirabakaran is not a Christian but a devout Saivite Hindu and even if was a Christian it wil not matter to us and Iam a Hindu Tamil. The west and the Christian missionaries do not support the LTTE. You must be reading some racist Sinhala Buddhist propaganda. If missionaries are supporting the LTTE why is the USA and some powerful western countires so pro Sri Lankan govt . Especially the current right wing Bush regime. However now things are changing in Britain and Europe many Wesern European nations are now becoming increasingly alarmed at the events taking place in Sri Lanka and have starting to speak out. Even Hilary Clinton's and Barak Obama's perception of the SriLankan conflct is different from the Bush regime. The LTTE is made up of Hindu and Christian Tamils in the proportion of its population that is aroudn 80% Hindu and 20% Christian. It is fighting for the rights of all Tamils. Many Tamil Hindu Brahmin priests also support the Tamil cause in Srilaka and not just the Tamil Christian clergy.For the LTTE to have become so successful amongst the native Tamils,is because of the vast support amongst the largely Tamil Hindu masses and not just the support of the largely upper and middle Tamil Christian classes.

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  RE:RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 06:16 AM   Permalink
In SriLanka HIndu and Chritian Tamil families are related by blood. They intermarry and even arrange marriages amongst each other along caste lines. MOst upper and middle class families have HIndu and Christian branches within thoer family group and it is even common to find siblings within the same family practising Hinduism or Christianity. Thi sis the same amongst the Sinhalses too. Many Sinhala Budhist and Christian families ae inter related and marry amongst themselves along caste lines too. Mahinda Rajappakse's wife is a Christian. Ranil Wickremesinghe is a Buddhist but his fatther brother and paternal uncles are/were devout Chritians.SWrD Bandarnaike was born into an aritocratic Sinhala Christian family he ecame a Buddhist much later. Presiden JR Jayawrdene is a Buddhist but hails from a Christian family. Evem many members of Mrs Bandaranaike's aritocratic noble Kandyan Radala/Naike family are devout Christians. In Sri Lanka the ethnic identity is very strong compard to the religious identity. Despeite Christianity bridging all ethnic divisions. The Sinhala nd Tamil Christian very rarely will identiyfy with each other but genrally will view each other with mutual distrust and suspicion. They stronly identitfy themsleves with thoer Sinhala Buddhist or Tamil Hindu brothers and sisters. It is only the 7% Tamil Muslim population whcih largely migratd from South India a fee hundred years ago that use their religion as their main identity and not their language or origins

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 10, 2008 08:18 AM   Permalink
the good tamil brahmans are leaving the area in droves, and i can see why. can't believe tamil hindus would show animosity to hindu tamil brahmans, but now i see why: they are mixed up with kirastanis. the fact remains missionaries are controlling ltte reins. tamil hindus should make a clean break from missionaries around them. varnashankar praja can not enjoy peace.

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 09:24 AM   Permalink
There ae 2 to three Million Tamil Brahmins living in Tamil Nadu and they are not levin gin droves. Must be in your dreams. MOst tamil Brahmins are very proud of their Tamil heritage. Currently many members of the Dravidian parties are Tamil Brahmins including Jeyalalitha. I admit the Dravidian parties in the 50.s and 60.s were anti Brahmin. However I think this phase has passed off. They have now realised that they were throwing the baby with the bath water. The Brahminical caste system shoul dhave been abolished but not the Tamil Brahmins. They are our fellow Tamilians. Now other than a few Dravidian die hards to moist Tamilians this is not an issue to them a Tamil Brahmin is is just another fellwo Tamil/ Even Karunanidhi has a Brahmin daughter in Law.The Sri lankan Tamil wwere nver antiBahmin or anti anything Th e natie Eelam Tamils are largely from teh upper and middle castes. The upper Vellalar caste is the predominant caste amongst them and aroudn 50% of teh native Sri Lankan tamils belong to this community. This caste is a very Brahmin friendly caste and is generally allied to them. The lower cstes amongst the Ntive Tamils are aorund 20 to 25% of the population and even thise epople are mow verywell educated and no one will darediscriminate them. The Tamil Brahmins amongstt eh Sri Lankan Tamils are few but are very well intergrated with the rest of the Tamil population. The dravidian thoery never took over here it was not needed here. Only teh Sinhalas were making

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  RE:RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 09:40 AM   Permalink
ue and cry about thoer Aryan ancestry. BUt this was and is a joke , as it was failry obvious to anyone other than themselves that they are of Dravidian ancestry. They may be speaking an Indic language, ( infact SInhlas is the curent oldest spoken living Indic language) . this is due ot the introduction of Buddhism and teh Buddaha Dhamma was mainly written in Sanskrit and Pali and the arrival of a few thousand Prakrit speakin immigratns fromm North India . Thes e Immifrant men too Pandyan Tamil women as thoer wives. Other than this thoer language food habbits dances customs looksa dn body language indicate a Tamil orogin and a close relationship with southern Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:13 PM   Permalink
Brahamans and Vellalars are not friends. Saiva and Vaina war is truly a brahmin and Vellala war. Today all brahmin lobby in India is against LTTe and Tamil community.They will say all north Indians are good and Tamils are bad because they refuse to accept Hindi. Look at Subramaniam swamy, the CIA agent or Jayalalitha or Cho Ramasamy propagating that LTTE killed more Tamils than anyone else. We in Tamilnadu clearly understand the underlined message of Brhamins. I ask only a simple question to Brahmins. What is your mother tongue. Don't say Sanskrit. It was never a spoken language as per history. In fact, it was a clergy language.
Try to understand that it is an ethinic war. Singhala army is supported by Indian government to curb the tamil voice in Tamilnadu and elsewhere. Tamil is a global community. It can handle the presure very well.Rest of India is threatened by the intellectual power and the political power of Dravidian communities here. They want to maintain the caste system by hook or crook. Hence, tamil is considered as Anti-hindu laguage and Tamils as Anti-Nationals.

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  RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by juniorhorlicks on Mar 10, 2008 01:22 PM   Permalink

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  RE:RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:38 PM   Permalink
Media is a own religion by itself. The day after Indira killed , Media even justified the killings of Sikhs. You have to write where you have people to read and respond.

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  RE:RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by William Thomson on Mar 10, 2008 02:29 PM   Permalink
Rightly said friend

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LTTE chief makes public appearance