Time is UP, Go Manmohan Go, Go Congress Go. Enough is enough. Congress handed over Nepal at the hands of Maoist Terorrists, who are Chinese agents. Congress repealed anti-terror law, POTA, so that Jihadis can kill us at easy. Congress started religion-based reservations for muslims, only to plant the seed for another partition. Congress ruined the robust economy in the last 4 years, now inflation gone up over 11.6%, agricultrue sector in crisis, over 80000 farmers commited suicides, and lists goes on. Congress filed affidavit in the Supreme Court denouncing Sri Ram's existence and decalring Ramayan as fiction. Congress humiliated and insulted Hindus by revoking a piece of land given to Amarnath Yatra. Congress want nuclear deal to strip India as nuclear weapon state and stop to become a powerful nation. The nation is in danger at the hands of Congress-led govt. It must go.
RE:Time is UP, Go Manmohan Go, Go Congress Go
by Mahesh Vetcha on Jul 09, 2008 07:20 PM Permalink
Parties for the deal (confirmed) = INC SP RJD DMK NCP PMK JMM LJSP RLD NC PDP AIMIM MLKSC SDF RPI = 153 39 24 16 11 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1= 268. For a majority in the lok sabha 272 votes are required. Is it a big deal to get 4 more votes given that 6 independents are there and also parties like MDMK JDS TRS KEC NLP BNP MNF NPF are 16 more. From the above 22 MPS, getting the support of 4 is no deal.
So guys, dont make unnecessary conclusions. Think practically and then give your comments. At no cost is the UPA going to fall and would definitely complete its full term.
RE:Time is UP, Go Manmohan Go, Go Congress Go
by shailendra lande on Jul 09, 2008 08:40 PM Permalink
thats the practical approach. people who feels this government will fall they should correct their mathematics. This government will not fall and will complete its full term and will form the next government in the coming elections.
RE:Time is UP, Go Manmohan Go, Go Congress Go
by mahabodhi on Jul 09, 2008 10:15 PM Permalink
@Bharat Kr u never answer arguements !But fanatically abuse and support BJP !The issue here is NDeal !For that u hv not uttered even one word !Except to fanatically write Go congress Go !You hv only written about ur muslim hatered ! If congress can influence Nepal then it certainly can influence here in India !You do not hv decency for Nepal and its citizens !U write them as gaents of chinses !Whor you !Agents of america !That's why not a single word against NDeal !Or any word against america which did not granted Visa to Modi !Why u did not consider it as insult to India and start agiatation aginst US on streets !Why !Or r u agent of traders /BaNIAS WHO IMPORT cHINESE PRODUCTS IN TO iNDIA !wHY!bjp IS bANIA PARTY !sO U DO NOT WRITE AGAINST tRADERS WHO IMPORT CHINESE PRODUCTS !WHY ! What is ur commission Bharat Kr !For not writing against Traders who import Chinese products in to India ! U do not want fight against Chinese incursions !Why !Why NDA approved TAR-TibetaN aUTNOMUS rEGION UNTIL AND UNLESS CHINESE ALSO RECOGNISE THE aRUNACHAL AND SIKKIM TERRITORIES OF iNDIA !wHY bjp DID NOT DO THAT BEFORE APPROVING tar !Whu kulak ahy ! Why Vajpayee wanted bonhomie even before getting the Chinese to accept Indian territories as Indian !Why kulak why !Ur game is over kulak Bharat Kr !U want India to be battle ground for communal clashes and civil war !That's ur only objective !Only time will prove who was correct !or who made India strong!But poors native now know ur game !