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Time is UP, Go Manmohan Go, Go Congress Go
by Bharat Kr on Jul 09, 2008 06:14 PM

Time is UP, Go Manmohan Go, Go Congress Go. Enough is enough. Congress handed over Nepal at the hands of Maoist Terorrists, who are Chinese agents. Congress repealed anti-terror law, POTA, so that Jihadis can kill us at easy. Congress started religion-based reservations for muslims, only to plant the seed for another partition. Congress ruined the robust economy in the last 4 years, now inflation gone up over 11.6%, agricultrue sector in crisis, over 80000 farmers commited suicides, and lists goes on. Congress filed affidavit in the Supreme Court denouncing Sri Ram's existence and decalring Ramayan as fiction. Congress humiliated and insulted Hindus by revoking a piece of land given to Amarnath Yatra. Congress want nuclear deal to strip India as nuclear weapon state and stop to become a powerful nation. The nation is in danger at the hands of Congress-led govt. It must go.

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