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RE:Time is UP, Go Manmohan Go, Go Congress Go
by Mahesh Vetcha on Jul 09, 2008 07:20 PM

Parties for the deal (confirmed) = INC SP RJD DMK NCP PMK JMM LJSP RLD NC PDP AIMIM MLKSC SDF RPI = 153 39 24 16 11 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1= 268. For a majority in the lok sabha 272 votes are required. Is it a big deal to get 4 more votes given that 6 independents are there and also parties like MDMK JDS TRS KEC NLP BNP MNF NPF are 16 more. From the above 22 MPS, getting the support of 4 is no deal.

So guys, dont make unnecessary conclusions. Think practically and then give your comments. At no cost is the UPA going to fall and would definitely complete its full term.

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Independents back N-deal