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by Shan Shan on Aug 05, 2008 04:40 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Many people in this forum is concerned with Conversion but I would like to highlight few points here and I accept many other societies and people are also doing some of the things that I mentioned below.
1. Christians especially catholics never tried to convert any person to thier religion and it accept other religions.
2. Christians in India is proud of thier Hindu culture and its customs.
3. Any Christian organisation never be part of any communal clashes in recent times.
4. Christians are always helped the humanbeing with love and compassion to the poorest and the needy people in any condition.
5. Christians have started schools and colleges across all over India which never attempted conversion of any of its students. Many top science and arts colleges are run by Christians.
6. Christians have helped our society for improving health by opening small clinics and hospitals across many villages and towns.
7. Most of the orphanages, rehabilitation centers and mental clinics in India is run by Christian instituitions.
8. Catholics in India is not accepting any kind of foriegn aid in any form and they are collecting money from its followers to support its activities. (Sharing each other).
9. Missionaries are not earning for thier family (they are not married) but for uplifting of poor and the development nation by sacrificing thier whole life.

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by Bharat Kr on Aug 05, 2008 05:48 PM   Permalink
Westerners are leving christianity rapidly. They are either becoming atheists or joining Vedic-Hindu and Buddha dharma. Yoga has engulfed the whole west, and Yoga is nothing but Vedic-Hindu dharma and philosophy. So to keep the numbers, christians are working hard to find new harvests in India, SE Asia.

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by shoji joseph on Aug 05, 2008 05:57 PM   Permalink
Please read Bible at once for your knowledge. I have read many Hindu texts, such as Mahabharata, Ramayana and other many books in the form of stories from my childhood which was very interesting those days and I always encourage others to read those books but not able to read Quran due to its easy avialabilty. The new "version" of Bible have no change in its contents but it has many references from our Upanishad, Bhagavad Geetha and the the life of few good Indians.

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by Shan Shan on Aug 05, 2008 06:11 PM   Permalink
Can you show any one such issue in reeent times from any christian organisation or church? HINDUISM is a very good but it fanatic followers think differently like Jehadis are doing for Muslim community. Respect others even if they do not accept you.

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by west on Aug 05, 2008 06:15 PM   Permalink
yeah, why should non-christians go to hell? is that a peace message? think man

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by Bharat Kr on Aug 05, 2008 06:56 PM   Permalink
Hindus are fanatic now, beacuse of Jihadi and Christian missionary terrorism. Tit-for-tat is the policy now for hindus. That days are over to bully Hindus and convert them. Note, Bharat is a Hindu nation, like western nations are chrsitian nations. Christianity and Muhamdism are align to Bharat. But they can live, if they respect Hindus and their way of life.

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by Bharat Kr on Aug 05, 2008 06:24 PM   Permalink
Rediff: Why you don't delete Shan shan mesage? 'Report abuse' disabled by moderator. That shows Rediff is a chrsitian run site, whose purpose is to deceive Hindus and earn money. Hindus beware from Rediff site. YOu delete Hindus messages and allow chrsitian deception messages.

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by west on Aug 05, 2008 05:04 PM   Permalink
i only concur with 2,5,6,7 above.

you lost your credibility on other points when you said missionaries are not involved in conversions. why lie? isn't lying sin against your god?

without conversions how did christianity expanded so much and is still surviving in india without foreign aid?

every day i see a news item on dalit christians clash with some others and u say they not involved in communal clashes?

grow up kid

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by shoji joseph on Aug 05, 2008 05:19 PM   Permalink
Some sects of christian denominations are doing conversion by hgiving monetaray help in the form of shelter, cloth, financial aid but not by Catholics in India. People might have converted to christianity by seing the equality in that religion where no castism exist and they might have experienced LOVE, compassion & kindness of missionaries and its supporters through thier life.

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by Ram Sharma on Aug 05, 2008 07:12 PM   Permalink
I understand that Indian Christians r said to b having caste, based on from which caste they converted.

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by Sunit Kumar on Aug 05, 2008 05:52 PM   Permalink
"Some sects", yaa i have heard that before from the Religion of Peace, craper !!

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by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 05:21 PM   Permalink
Dear West,

I am a Christian. But I am not writing this to buttress or tear down what you wrote. Only to point out certain discrepancies in what you wrote, vis-a-vis what "Shan Shan" (What next?) wrote.

1. He never said "missionaries" are not involved in conversions. He used the word "missionaries" only for the 10th point. I guess you can read it again.

2. "Dalit Christians clashing with some others" - Do you term them, "communal" clashes?

3. Somehow you have aggregated Christians in India as Catholics. Fundamental error.


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by west on Aug 05, 2008 05:52 PM   Permalink
aby - what you say to those hate spreading speeches in the churches every sunday morning to fight against hinduism?

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by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 06:08 PM   Permalink
Hey West,

Honest man. Tell me which church actually said about fighting hinduism. I would like to personally kick the shit out of those guys. Where are they getting the message from??

Which theology are they preaching? Asses in shepeherd's clothing is how I would describe them.

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by west on Aug 05, 2008 06:11 PM   Permalink
aby - if christianity is so peace loving and spreads love, then why not it recognises other religions for salvation? why does it say non -christians go to hell? is that not spreading hate? now go and kick the butt of vatican

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by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 06:24 PM   Permalink
You are talking three different things. Peace, love and salvation.

Christianity talks and believes in peace and love. But as far as salvation goes, Christians believe that Christ is the only way for salvation. As non-Christians, if it gets your goat, tell the Chrisitian to get lost, since he is offending you. If he still offends you, if I were you I would probably paste a duct tape on his mouth.


it would do you a world of good to take time out of your busy schedule and read Discovery of India.


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by west on Aug 05, 2008 06:27 PM   Permalink
aby - u didn't answer my question - why does the bible says non-christians go to hell?

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by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 07:08 PM   Permalink
My answer

The Bible does not say non-Christians go to hell. Kindly let me know where it says what you allege.

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by west on Aug 05, 2008 07:25 PM   Permalink
aby - does it say the only heaven to heaven is through jesus christ? does it not amount to saying that who doesn't believe in him will go to hell? is this not hate spreading message? and you call your self peace spreading people? grow up man

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by west on Aug 05, 2008 05:33 PM   Permalink
aby -

1) u are confused soul - when he never said missonaries are not involved in conversions - doesn't it mean he said missionaries are involved in conversions - which is exactly what i said?

2) whenver a religion is involved in a clash, i call it communal - so, when dalit christians clash with upper caste christians - then it's communal clash

3) i didn't know there are so many sects in christianity. if so, why are there so many types of christians? i believe only catholics are recognised as priests by vatican. if so, isn't it not discriminating against other sects of christianity?

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by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 06:18 PM   Permalink
1. If he never said, 2 2 is not equal to 5, did it not mean that 2 2 is equal to 5, which is exactly..... sheeeesh!

Who is confused???

2. I agree that as per "your" meaning of "communal", your stand is fine.

3. Vatican is the head of one among many denominations in Christianity. How does it matter to others whether Vatican actually recognizes them or not. For all they care, Catholics can go climb the nearest tree and fly!

Our beliefs are same, but maybe our adherences and practises may be different. Catholics are probably more westernised in their worship practises, while we are more Indian in our worship traditions. But we both believe in Christ to be the head of the Church.

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by west on Aug 05, 2008 06:24 PM   Permalink
you must substitute 2 3 instead of 2 2 ... trying to cover up? find a better way

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by Sunit Kumar on Aug 05, 2008 05:53 PM   Permalink
west, what a reply, ur the man !!!

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by Shan Shan on Aug 05, 2008 06:43 PM   Permalink
Why should rediff against Bharat Kumar's wishes? Please tolerate others and thier views. What do you get if you delete (or kill) others if others are not accept you? ACCEPT others and thier values, learn to LOVE others and do not spread hatred among others AND please love yourself.

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by Bharat Kr on Aug 05, 2008 06:58 PM   Permalink
Why not you toelrate others views? Why delete Hindus views? Thats shows who are aggressive.

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by H N on Aug 05, 2008 11:52 PM   Permalink
mr shan.
then it must be the other way. Because there are brown/black skin catholics in India. They must have been the original inhabitants of India. And Hindus came and converted 99.5% of them to hindu-ism. If you feel like there sand getting in to ears and nose and mouth. Yes, it is true your head is stuck in it.

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by Ram Sharma on Aug 05, 2008 07:10 PM   Permalink
If Christians always helped the human being, why they killed unarmed people in Jaliyanwala and other places? Why did they buy & sell human being like animals?

Christian schools charge very huge fee and earn lot of money.

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by Shan Shan on Aug 05, 2008 07:09 PM   Permalink
Dear Loving Bharat,
Please mention any such cases in any news media in recent times about the cases that you have mentioned. Christians are not against any religion. It is not demanding any one to convert to christianity, but if anybody wishes, then it welcomes thier decision. Is Missionaries killed any HINDU in INDIA like the hindu fanatics or jehadis did in our INDIA? Why do you hate christians dear my brother? Is anybody made you trouble?

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures