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by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 06:18 PM

1. If he never said, 2 2 is not equal to 5, did it not mean that 2 2 is equal to 5, which is exactly..... sheeeesh!

Who is confused???

2. I agree that as per "your" meaning of "communal", your stand is fine.

3. Vatican is the head of one among many denominations in Christianity. How does it matter to others whether Vatican actually recognizes them or not. For all they care, Catholics can go climb the nearest tree and fly!

Our beliefs are same, but maybe our adherences and practises may be different. Catholics are probably more westernised in their worship practises, while we are more Indian in our worship traditions. But we both believe in Christ to be the head of the Church.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures