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by Shan Shan on Aug 05, 2008 04:40 PM

Many people in this forum is concerned with Conversion but I would like to highlight few points here and I accept many other societies and people are also doing some of the things that I mentioned below.
1. Christians especially catholics never tried to convert any person to thier religion and it accept other religions.
2. Christians in India is proud of thier Hindu culture and its customs.
3. Any Christian organisation never be part of any communal clashes in recent times.
4. Christians are always helped the humanbeing with love and compassion to the poorest and the needy people in any condition.
5. Christians have started schools and colleges across all over India which never attempted conversion of any of its students. Many top science and arts colleges are run by Christians.
6. Christians have helped our society for improving health by opening small clinics and hospitals across many villages and towns.
7. Most of the orphanages, rehabilitation centers and mental clinics in India is run by Christian instituitions.
8. Catholics in India is not accepting any kind of foriegn aid in any form and they are collecting money from its followers to support its activities. (Sharing each other).
9. Missionaries are not earning for thier family (they are not married) but for uplifting of poor and the development nation by sacrificing thier whole life.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures