The Bible says that God is spirit (John 4:24), and is not flesh and blood (Matt. 16:17).
However, His characteristics are those of a living, personal, individual Being. These include the following:
* He lives (John 5:26). * He loves (John 3:16; Rom. 5:6-11). * He speaks (Matt. 3:17) * He works (John 5:17,20) * He knows (Matt. 6:8,32) * He wills (Matt. 7:21) * He sees (Matt. 6:4,6,18)
God is not just an impersonal force, nor does He need a physical body in order to possess personal characteristics. God is spirit, not material or physical, and yet He possesses the characteristics of a personal individual.
RE:By chaddi wala
by Mind Clear on Aug 05, 2008 09:06 PM Permalink
Undistorted Hinduism is real secularism. The whole civilized world is Hindu. Secularism & Democracy are the foundations of Hinduism. Religion is One and is about Human Skills & Values thus developing our Body and Mind, Emotions and Intellect, Creativity and Consciousness. Caste is One & is a life concept distorted by confused people. It means that to live life intelligently we need to effectively balance the 4-forces within - Thinker, Protector, Economist, Worker - and also while governing society. This is all based on natural human intelligence. The roots of the ancient Indian philosophy are secular, logical and universal. The idols are objectives in life: Shiva (freedom), Durga (Strength), Saraswati Knowledge), Lakshmi (Wealth), Ganesh (Wisdom). Life is God. These Goddesses symbolize the goals of human life. All secular societies practice this. This is same as the US Constitution, the teachings of Confucius, Buddha, those of European renaissance thinkers like Voltaire, Shaw. Every developed country in the world is "truly secular" and has one law, uniform code & gender equality, keeping focus on performance & productivity & excel in life, work & sports.
RE:By chaddi wala
by Mind Clear on Aug 05, 2008 09:02 PM Permalink
People who are a little wise read science fiction, one's who are not so wise read spiritual fiction. Did God communicate through some antennas to Jesus? Why is it that renaissance changed Europe and the Western world when they rebelled against the Church, and became secular with one-law, uniform civil code and gender equality. Does it matter whether God is 1, 0, -1 or 1000? This is all childish and immature talk. All that matters in life is excellence is work, knowledge, clarity, performance and productivity. That is what has made the Western world what it is today. And that to the Greek civilization which was based more on philosophy and scientific pursuits. God is nowhere, Life is now and here. Life is God.
RE:By chaddi wala
by nai on Aug 05, 2008 09:02 PM Permalink
reply: Hence proved that Bible is a plagiarism of Sanatana dharma. Sanatana dharma has similar preachings. Read Bhagvad Gita. You will get your answers. Supremacy of Supreme Lord is described very beautifully there.
Sanatana dharma is eternal.. and other sectarian religions like Christianity and Islam, who have got a beginning have done nothing bt stolen some prime concepts of Hinduism, and presented them in a concocted way. Subsequently, in an unsuccessful attempt to defame the concepts of sanatana dharma, they could not understand with their puny minds, they derided idol worship. Actually anyone who sees a deity as a mere stone goes to hell. and anyone who considers God formless is offending God by calling Him handicapped !
RE:RE:By chaddi wala
by nai on Aug 05, 2008 09:05 PM Permalink
Sanatana dharma clearly defines the difference between soul and supersoul and the difference between body and soul (Bhagvad Gita -chapter 2 Sankhya Yoga) In other religions, people have not been even able to understand this primary difference clearly, which is A,B,C of spiritual science. And they talk about spirituality... funny isn't it...
RE:RE:RE:By chaddi wala
by nai on Aug 05, 2008 09:07 PM Permalink
Mr chaddiwala, whatever quotes you have given in this msg, is this all about Bible? Well, this is not even 50% of chapter 2 of Bhagvad Gita. and Bhagvad Gita is A,B,C of Spiritual science- it is priliminary knowledge. and then what to speak of Ph.D
I think Islam and Christianity have failed to summarize even 1% of the knowledge of the vast Sanatana dharma.