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by ravinandanprakash agrawal on Nov 05, 2007 01:59 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

All the people who think Nehru was a bad leader should probably learn from Pakistan why he was a great leader.

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by prakash on Nov 05, 2007 02:02 AM   Permalink
yes great contributions of Nehru

manipulaiton of Indian hisotry

kashmir fiasco

Tibet fiaco

Hindi Chini bhai bhai

supporting christian missionary activites all over India...

yes hail nehru

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by Lynden Christian on Nov 05, 2007 02:18 AM   Permalink
Christian missionnaries started the best schools in India.
The best charities were started by Christian missionnaries.
India is blessed by God because of religious liberty!

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by Rajeev on Nov 05, 2007 05:05 AM   Permalink
see the unchristian missionaries terrorism in north east. Go to stephen-knapp site, look for Christian Terrorism in Northeast India link. this reveals that how bad the Christianity is.

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by true tamilan on Nov 05, 2007 04:56 AM   Permalink
Biggest holocaust in ww2 was in bengal caused by your english masters. 4 million dead because of their scorch earth policy.

They did spend miniscule amount of their loot building schools and colleges which their slaves are proud of.

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by Loan Shark on Nov 05, 2007 07:24 AM   Permalink
there was no manipulation of Indian history ... give an example, if you want and we can talk.

Kashmir was not really a problem 80s. Nehruji died in 1964.

Tibet and China should solve their dispute on their own. India should not have to spend its resources on solving their dispute.

India is a secualr country. The right to freedom of religion is guaranteed by our constitution. Christian missionaries do a lot of good work too like supplying relief work during a natuarl disaster like earthquake and cyclone

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by Jital Patel on Nov 05, 2007 02:24 AM   Permalink
Nehru was nodoubt much better leader than any present leader in Indian politics right now. He didnot play any religious or caste cards like present politicians do. The negative mindset about Nehru was created in India by hindu fundamentalist organizatios like RSS and VHP. I agree that Nehru has made mistakes, but BJP and RSS have made more dangerous mistake for India. These hindu fundamentalist organizations never played any important role in independence role.

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by Bibhu on Nov 05, 2007 04:29 AM   Permalink
Mr J Patel....We are learned from History. If Nehru was good probaly BJP and RSS were stands better than the present form. The only person killed whole india.

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by vijay ram on Nov 05, 2007 05:39 AM   Permalink
If Sardar Patel were PM, there would not have been a concept of pluralism in Indian Federation. Tamil Nadu for one would have split away a long time ago. The art of accomodation advanced by Nehru worked in many places (most Indian states). The art of intimidation advanced by Patel worked in others (princely states). It is silly to suggest just one policy would have been fit for all circumstances.

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by Loan Shark on Nov 05, 2007 07:26 AM   Permalink
Sardar Patel died in 1950 after a year in bed due to his sickness .. what would he have acieved in those 3 years as PM? and who would have been the PM after him?

Nehru at 58 was young and energetic in 1947. Sardar at 72 had health issues to deal with.

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by Rajeev on Nov 05, 2007 04:56 AM   Permalink
How can we consider Nehru even as a good man? See below what he said:
By education I am a Christian, by culture I am a Muslim, by coincidence I am a Hindu.

I can be called a D.nkey, but please do not call me a Hindu.

Compared to western culture & society, Indian society & culture is really low.

I am very much feared of the Sanatan (Hindu) culture & society. I always hate Sanatan dharm & society. I want to destroy Sanatan religion & society.

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by Jital Patel on Nov 05, 2007 05:35 AM   Permalink
Rajeev, how can you consider advani or modi a good man? They are the brainchild behind the most heineous riots in India. Nehru is a history now. Modi & Advani are still present. The whole hindu-muslim tension in 90s to present started after demolition of the babri mosque. The whole world knows that who was the main architect of the babri mosque demolition?

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by Loan Shark on Nov 05, 2007 07:31 AM   Permalink
Advani is a muslim appeaser .. he plays vote politics .... after knowing that hindu votes were gransted he began licking mullah posterior. In a country that sponsors terrorism in India, he chose to call Jinnah a nationalist ... same Jinnah who caused partition of India ... yes, the BJP leader from Sindh, pakistan, called Jinnah a nationalist ... praised him, so mullah logan will vote for BJP

Such is the horror story of muslim appeasment by BJP ... and that Vajpayee rode the bus to Lahore in an effort to appease pakistanies .. only to be served with a agression in Kargil ... Vajpayee was caught dozing and India lost soldiers in that operation.

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by Sriram Subramanian on Nov 05, 2007 06:05 AM   Permalink
What are you talking about?
Tell me exactly where you got those quotes from? Remember, Nehru was tutored by gandhi who was very religious.
Also, anyone can be a good person without having to fall in love with hinduism.

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by Rajeev on Nov 05, 2007 06:18 AM   Permalink
Non Hindu can be a good person. But how come if a person abuse other religion can be considered a good man?

For example Mr. A.K. Antony, Abdul Kalam are good man (he is not Hindu), they do not abuse other religion.

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by mahender on Nov 05, 2007 07:55 AM   Permalink
My personal views:
Anybody feel His religion is great;or mine is the only best is a fanatic(By definition reference Dictionary).
Christian missionaries:Kudos to their human face but they spread this philosophy that their religion is the only way;which is despicable..

Some muslim fanatics also do the same.They too are hateread spreading authorities.

Definitely VHP and hindu factions do the same.They might have learnt it from Christian priests and mullas.

The problem with the two smetic religions are they are institutionalised so some priests or some maulavis can decide their social life.which is totally wrong.Theses factions sacrifice their freedom in many ways..

VHP istrying to do this institutionlisation in Hinduismwhich is gain going in the way of Christianity and Muslims..

Teaching to hate(in any form) others; like our religion is the only way; mine is the best etc are worth to be destroyed for our society to exist.

Ofcourse castism is a big tragedy in Hindu civilization.Christians and muslims have successfully destroyed this..But to avoid casteism also,never allow anybody to join hands in the name of any sect and spread hate among others..

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by Loan Shark on Nov 05, 2007 08:05 AM   Permalink
I think I would agree with you on this. However, right to freedom of religion is guaranteed by our constitution and missionaries do a lot of good work too during national disasters. Besides, the caste system in hinduism prevents orthodox though rich upper caste hindus from helping the untouchables ... the poor/distressed lower catse guys find relief with help from missionary and so we can't blame them for embracing christianity.

you can't kick a guy, call him the lowest hindu, a social outcast, a burden on society and then curse him for accepting another religion.

RSS and Shiv Sena are doing talibanization of hinduism, which is wrong.

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by abhijeet manay on Nov 05, 2007 03:50 AM   Permalink
I agree. Nehru was indeed a great leader. Not a perfect one but gr8 nonetheless. He is who made the institution of democracy strong in India. We owe a lot to him

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by satya pal on Nov 05, 2007 07:57 AM   Permalink
any person who holds the highest post,also takes important decisions.his/her decisions may suite for the time being but not for ever.let us learn from the past and build the future.we neglected our masses.our leaders are selfish.they want to die in mla/mp/minister shall be more than 10 years in chair.let new blood come as new nature changes take place continuously.nehru family has a hold on congress party.they always want to remain in power.this bad.this is not democracy.note their qualifications.they are not interested to educate the national spirit is incalculated in them.politics is business in india.blame goes to congress which ruled this country in the long run.nehru was better leader then any one followed her.only criminals are holding the law and order in their many leaders and their kins are invoved in murders.jesica lal or nitish katara.i blame the media and masses.

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by Loan Shark on Nov 05, 2007 07:27 AM   Permalink
We owe a llot to Nehru and Gandhi ... BJP and RSS do not like Gandhiji ... In fact, RSS got Gandhiji killed in cold blood.

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by abhijeet manay on Nov 05, 2007 04:19 AM   Permalink
and advani, narendra modi, laloo yadav are ur examples of good leaders. Leaders like nehru and gandhi have given to India what other developing countries dont have. Political democratic institutions which are the base of a strong India.

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by Rajeev on Nov 05, 2007 06:22 AM   Permalink
Nehru is not the real hero, the real hero was sardar Patel, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat singh... we are still having problem North East, Kashmir etc... that is because of Nehru only.

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Pakistan is learning democracy, says Mus