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by mahender on Nov 05, 2007 07:55 AM

My personal views:
Anybody feel His religion is great;or mine is the only best is a fanatic(By definition reference Dictionary).
Christian missionaries:Kudos to their human face but they spread this philosophy that their religion is the only way;which is despicable..

Some muslim fanatics also do the same.They too are hateread spreading authorities.

Definitely VHP and hindu factions do the same.They might have learnt it from Christian priests and mullas.

The problem with the two smetic religions are they are institutionalised so some priests or some maulavis can decide their social life.which is totally wrong.Theses factions sacrifice their freedom in many ways..

VHP istrying to do this institutionlisation in Hinduismwhich is gain going in the way of Christianity and Muslims..

Teaching to hate(in any form) others; like our religion is the only way; mine is the best etc are worth to be destroyed for our society to exist.

Ofcourse castism is a big tragedy in Hindu civilization.Christians and muslims have successfully destroyed this..But to avoid casteism also,never allow anybody to join hands in the name of any sect and spread hate among others..

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