any person who holds the highest post,also takes important decisions.his/her decisions may suite for the time being but not for ever.let us learn from the past and build the future.we neglected our masses.our leaders are selfish.they want to die in mla/mp/minister shall be more than 10 years in chair.let new blood come as new nature changes take place continuously.nehru family has a hold on congress party.they always want to remain in power.this bad.this is not democracy.note their qualifications.they are not interested to educate the national spirit is incalculated in them.politics is business in india.blame goes to congress which ruled this country in the long run.nehru was better leader then any one followed her.only criminals are holding the law and order in their many leaders and their kins are invoved in murders.jesica lal or nitish katara.i blame the media and masses.