Two missionaries were mercilessly beaten by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal activists in Kolhapur on 08.05.2006 (1000 attacks in last 10 years in India!)
This was the second such incident in recent weeks. A pastor, Walter Massey, in Jaipur was attacked, allegedly by VHP and Bajrang Dal activists, for preaching Christianity.
In several states like Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has done to stop what it says forced conversions, mainly by Christian missionaries.
Sangh Parivar opend the closed bottle and released the devil of viruses in our society. Nobody can stop them. Now everybody must think about General Mushraf and Indira Gandhi. The are the examples who supported terrorism. It will cause huge damage in our society.
RE:Katara-ism and Vanzara-ism are Increasing...
by Joyee Funee on May 09, 2007 11:49 AM Permalink
Well it is actually now Hindus are getiing organise and waking up against the Evils of other religion
In name of Secularism Hindu has suffered a alot and even after this Hindus are not considered in the active politics, Hence an orgnised Hindu Sangathan is natural outcome of this
There is nothing wrong in beating a person who were forcibly converting the religion
They deserve this
It is the Virus of Missonaries against whom the vaccine of Hindusim is getting strong now
As psued secularist u again condemned Hindu and not thos missonaries who were forcilby convering the poor people
RE:Katara-ism and Vanzara-ism are Increasing...
by Rajan George on May 09, 2007 03:49 PM Permalink
You have any evidence of forceful conversion ? The forceful reconversion is being done by VHP and Bajrangdal only from Christanity to Hinduism. Preaching and practising of one's faith and belief is not wrong as every Indian has the religious freedom to do so. rajan
RE:Katara-ism and Vanzara-ism are Increasing...
by sharp head on May 09, 2007 04:10 PM Permalink
Dear rajan Tell your christian brothers before converting any hindu as christian take permission from our national heros VHP,Bajrangdal,RSS. They will decide whether conversion if forceful or not. You people are entering volutarily the sensitive area called religion which does not belong to you. today if you try doing mockery of hindu religion remember tommrow our national Hero VHP,RSS,Bajrangdal will see your end. we are cautioning you people well in advance. we will not be held responsible for your irresponsible actions.
RE:Katara-ism and Vanzara-ism are Increasing...
by Rajan George on May 09, 2007 04:46 PM Permalink
We are not afraid of such things dear. So long as we are alive we will stick to our faith and belief.
RE:Katara-ism and Vanzara-ism are Increasing...
by Rajan George on May 09, 2007 04:21 PM Permalink
There is en-mass conversion from Hinduism to Budhisam have you ever tried to find out the reason ?. First you people should set your house in order. Is you religion is so week to convert by some other faith ?. Please avoid accusing christians for anything and everything.
RE:Katara-ism and Vanzara-ism are Increasing...
by sharp head on May 09, 2007 03:52 PM Permalink
Dear sahadevan
Hindus are able to breath some air in india is because of RSS,VHP,Bajrandal. they have formed these organisation to protect innocent hindus being duped by christian missioneries and so called secular forces of india.
christian missioneries should take it as a strong worning from majority hindu brothers. In future christian missioneries should not involve them self in this kind of dirty conversions. if such acts are done they will face dire consequences from hindu protectors -VHP,RSS,Bajrangdal Dear christian brothers please take precaution before something happs to you. please becare ful