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RE:Katara-ism and Vanzara-ism are Increasing...
by Joyee Funee on May 09, 2007 11:49 AM

Well it is actually now Hindus are getiing organise and waking up against the Evils of other religion

In name of Secularism Hindu has suffered a alot and even after this Hindus are not considered in the active politics, Hence an orgnised Hindu Sangathan is natural outcome of this

There is nothing wrong in beating a person who were forcibly converting the religion

They deserve this

It is the Virus of Missonaries against whom the vaccine of Hindusim is getting strong now

As psued secularist u again condemned Hindu and not thos missonaries who were forcilby convering the poor people

We know what danger looms from ppl like u

Jai Hind

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