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Katara-ism and Vanzara-ism are Increasing...
by Sahadevan KK on May 09, 2007 10:38 AM

Two missionaries were mercilessly beaten by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal activists in Kolhapur on 08.05.2006 (1000 attacks in last 10 years in India!)

This was the second such incident in recent weeks. A pastor, Walter Massey, in Jaipur was attacked, allegedly by VHP and Bajrang Dal activists, for preaching Christianity.

In several states like Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has done to stop what it says forced conversions, mainly by Christian missionaries.

Sangh Parivar opend the closed bottle and released the devil of viruses in our society. Nobody can stop them. Now everybody must think about General Mushraf and Indira Gandhi. The are the examples who supported terrorism. It will cause huge damage in our society.

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