RE:RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by Tabassum Javed on Jul 09, 2007 01:06 PM Permalink
Its a pity that u have such a knowledge. Not ur fault .... this is what ur religion and parents might have taught you.
RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by S.B. Enterprises on Jul 09, 2007 01:42 PM Permalink
its simple khoran teaches terrorism... c outcome of madarasa's dear.
RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by ANAND RAO on Jul 09, 2007 01:38 PM Permalink
Dear Sri Ram And Tabassum ,
Please don't critize the religion's....all religion preach good...but the Moulvi's and Pandit's interpret as per their convince.... *IN ARABIC LANGUAGE MEANING OF "MUSALMAN" MEANS A GOOD HUMAN BEING ( Good human can be Hindu , christain , sikh and follower of islam . Born in muslim family does'nt mean he/she is musalman).
* In Koran it is clearly said "KAFEER" means a person who never believ's in GOD , Hindu's say "Nastic" and Christain say Athesit...but Moulvi say Kafeer means a person don't practise the religion in their way. * Koran says if you convert Kafeer to musalman then you will reserve seat in Heaven. But, Moulvi preach if marry one hindu girl ( Kafeer) you will reserve seat in heaven.Poor moulvi's they don't understand Conversion of bad human being to good human being will reserve your seat in heaven... and not by marrying hindu girl
RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by venkatesh rajan on Jul 09, 2007 01:20 PM Permalink
Atleast our religion and parents havent taught us to become a butcher and work in a human grocery stores as you are being taught
RE:RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by Srini on Jul 09, 2007 02:14 PM Permalink
Crazy funky seems to have gone crazy, totally brainwashed and a potential candidate of illwill.
RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by MUJEEB BASHEER on Jul 09, 2007 01:20 PM Permalink
You cannot call back one single muslim in this manner. Islam is not any religion of terror or violence. It preaches peace and only peace. Wht you have understood about Islam is only the result of Media and some Black sheep who will be found in every religion. If you study Islam properly you will not fail to think about reverting yourself to Islam. It is just the Media which has defaced Islam to be a violent and terror preaching which is not the case. Take a Tranlsation on any site on the Net go through carefully and you will know the TRUTH ONLY TRUTH. Do not judge Islam on the day to day activities by some miscreants. Sit with a Clean heart, study the chapters from Quran and then judge. You will certainly be guided to the right path. May Allah guid you.
RE:RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by Srini on Jul 09, 2007 02:09 PM Permalink
Mr Mujeeb, Please think logically, why a truth only truth religion is leading to so much of voilence and mystery for mankind. Either you are killing other religions' people or your own religious people in Islamic countries. 105 innocent lives lost in Iraq yesterday is an example. Even if the entire world converts to Islam there will still be some differences in interpretation of Koran, behaviour not compatible with koran etc, which will identified by some fanatic and the babaric culture cotinues to the last man on earth. Black sheep are in all religions but they are not seen in hordes, making news with barbaric acts everyday some where in the world in the name of religion. If the religion is peace loving, then there is something wrong with the practitioners, individuals like you should take initiative to reform the practitioners before its too late. Tomorrow you or your kids/ parents could be victims of such acts. The reform can come from within, we outsiders can only watch and do nothing.
RE:RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by Srini on Jul 09, 2007 02:11 PM Permalink
Dear brother Crazy funky, No one is thinking Islam is terror, its the acts of haneef, kafeel, Lal masjid, y'days Iraq bombing killing 105 innocents, 9/11, 7/11 mumbai define the practitioners as barbaric. Please come out of the cocooned mindset and think logically. Try to make some difference to the society by dicouraging such tendencies among your fellow muslims.