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RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by ANAND RAO on Jul 09, 2007 01:38 PM

Dear Sri Ram And Tabassum ,

Please don't critize the religion's....all religion preach good...but the Moulvi's and Pandit's interpret as per their convince....
*IN ARABIC LANGUAGE MEANING OF "MUSALMAN" MEANS A GOOD HUMAN BEING ( Good human can be Hindu , christain , sikh and follower of islam . Born in muslim family does'nt mean he/she is musalman).

* In Koran it is clearly said "KAFEER" means a person who never believ's in GOD , Hindu's say "Nastic" and Christain say Athesit...but Moulvi say Kafeer means a person don't practise the religion in their way.
* Koran says if you convert Kafeer to musalman then you will reserve seat in Heaven. But, Moulvi preach if marry one hindu girl ( Kafeer) you will reserve seat in heaven.Poor moulvi's they don't understand Conversion of bad human being to good human being will reserve your seat in heaven... and not by marrying hindu girl

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