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RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by MUJEEB BASHEER on Jul 09, 2007 01:20 PM

You cannot call back one single muslim in this manner. Islam is not any religion of terror or violence. It preaches peace and only peace. Wht you have understood about Islam is only the result of Media and some Black sheep who will be found in every religion. If you study Islam properly you will not fail to think about reverting yourself to Islam. It is just the Media which has defaced Islam to be a violent and terror preaching which is not the case. Take a Tranlsation on any site on the Net go through carefully and you will know the TRUTH ONLY TRUTH. Do not judge Islam on the day to day activities by some miscreants. Sit with a Clean heart, study the chapters from Quran and then judge. You will certainly be guided to the right path.
May Allah guid you.

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