The situation will begin to unravel in India in the next few months and years. There are deep fissures in Indian society driven by injustices and state terrorism perpetrated against minorities, dalits and weaker sections. There are hundreds of millions of disgruntled people who are waiting for the right opportunity to rise against injustice and assert themselves. It is now only a matter of time, as Al Qaeda becomes stronger and stronger in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Middle East and the rest of the world. The great uprising and the struggle for justice is coming!!
RE:Grave ramifications for India
by Sikandar Mala on Dec 29, 2007 09:34 AM Permalink
yeah Dream ON! Robin Hood! morons like you are the root cause of this problem! instead of killing our own and people of other religions, use your brains to think and act for peace! else go back to bora bora and live in, go back to Pakistan and voice your opinion against Mush! Guess not! You must be shitting to talk against Mush on Pakistan websites!! aren't you!! also, if Al Q is so powerful, why did they kill a woman!! if they reallly had balls then they would have gone for MUSH!!! Grow up! Robin Hood! instead of this english names if you have balls use the real muslim name on these websites!! why are you ashamed our religion name!!!! get out of this website!! people like you are misguiding the muslim brothers in India and other countries!!!! Are you still fuming???? now go back and pee because Mush is watching your ass!!
RE:Grave ramifications for India
by PP Y on Dec 29, 2007 10:22 AM Permalink
If my knowledge of hindu mythology is right then there were 20something avataar's of vishnu, most of them Rama and krishna led armies. Krishna was main instigator of a war between brothers which lead to death of 5.2 million soldiers in 18 days. Similarly Rama, Parsurama all were warriors, now what u say bout that. Shankracharya killed budhists and drove them out of the country, what is your opinion on that. I am not supporting violence but there is always other side to the coin.And how come you forget Chanakya's Sham Daam Dand Ved. By reading your views over here i can see the terrorist hidden inside you. How you defend the torching of churches in Orisaa, 1984 riots, Bombay Riots, GUjrat rights, meerut rights.......who is behind them. Yeah,they were hindus. But i wont go to the extent of saying that hinduism is the reason behind that. And b4 you go guessing my religion from my initials, i just wanna tell you i'm an atheist NRI
RE:Grave ramifications for India
by stav on Dec 29, 2007 08:53 AM Permalink
Dude, you seem to be a real terrorist. I had not come across one till date. Its good you dont live in India, which is apparent from your lack of knowledge about indian minorities. you guys are truely rats killing innocent people hiding inside your caves.
RE:Grave ramifications for India
by deepak on Dec 29, 2007 10:32 AM Permalink
Robin, you want to bring justice by beheading people?? the situation can go bad just so much..the US and others will have to get involved and invade Pakistan, unfortunately.