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RE:Grave ramifications for India
by Sikandar Mala on Dec 29, 2007 09:34 AM

yeah Dream ON! Robin Hood!
morons like you are the root cause of this problem!
instead of killing our own and people of other religions, use your brains to think and act for peace! else go back to bora bora and live in, go back to Pakistan and voice your opinion against Mush! Guess not! You must be shitting to talk against Mush on Pakistan websites!! aren't you!!
also, if Al Q is so powerful, why did they kill a woman!! if they reallly had balls then they would have gone for MUSH!!! Grow up!
Robin Hood! instead of this english names if you have balls use the real muslim name on these websites!! why are you ashamed our religion name!!!!
get out of this website!!
people like you are misguiding the muslim brothers in India and other countries!!!!
Are you still fuming???? now go back and pee because Mush is watching your ass!!

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Pak terror likely to spill over to India